Study programme EMPem22 - Business Economics and Management
Study Grade of study - II. - second level, study form - external, study type - Single degree study
Document type: Description of the study programme
The name of the university J. Selye University
The seat of the university Bratislavská cesta 3322, 94501 Komárno
The name of the faculty Faculty of Economics and Informatics
The seat of the faculty Hradná 167/21, 945 01 Komárno
Institution body for approving the study programme:
Quality Assurance Council of J. Selye University
1. - Basic information about the study programme
a) - Name of the study program and its number according to the register of study programmes.
Economics and Business Management Programme code according to the register of study courses: 100837
b) - Degree of higher education and ISCED-F education degree code.
2nd level of university studies, ISCED-F education code: 767, 2nd level of university studies - Rigorous Procedure, ISCED-F education code: 768
c) - Place(s) of delivery of the study programme.
d) - Name and number of the field of study in which higher education is obtained by completing the study programme, or a combination of two fields of study in which higher education is obtained by completing the study programme, ISCED-F codes of the field/fields.
Field of study: 8. Economics and Management ISCED-F code of the study field: 041
e) - Type of the study programme: academically oriented, professionally oriented; translation, translation combination study programme (listing the specializations); teaching, teaching combination study programme (listing the specializations); artistic, engineering, doctoral, preparation for regulated profession, joint study programme, interdisciplinary studies.
f) - Awarded academic degree before the name
g) - Form of study.
h) - In the case of joint study programmes, cooperating institutions and the range of study obligations the student fulfills at each of the given institutions (§ 54a of the Act on Higher Education Institutions).

non relevant

i) - Language or languages in which the study programme is delivered.
Hungarian, Slovak
j) - Standard length of the study expressed in academic years.
3 years
k) - Capacity of the study programme (planned number of students), the actual number of applicants and students.
The planned number of students is specified in the Conditions for Admission published at: The actual number of students enrolled as of 31 October 2021 was 0. The actual number of applicants for the study programme in 2021 was 12.
2. - Graduate profile and learning objectives
a) - The institution defines the learning objectives of the study programme such as student's abilities at the time of completion of the programme and the main learning outcomes.

The objective of the study programme is to train business economists, enterprises managers and highly qualified entrepreneurs. The study programme prepares graduates to be able to deal with complex managerial tasks of economics.

The graduate of the master’s degree programme is able to solve practical tasks not only in business and economics, but also in family enterprises. Moreover, they are able to make and propose solutions that will ensure the success of small- and medium-sized enterprises. The graduates are able to speak one foreign language (English language or German language), which provides them with the ability to work in an international business environment.

Upon completion of the programme, the student will have acquired the following knowledge. The student: 

1. has mastered the concepts, theories, processes and characteristics of economics and economy at the micro and macro levels of organisations, and is familiar with the main economic facts.

2. understands the structure, operation and the national and transnational interrelations of economic entities, their information and motivational factors, and that in particular in terms of the institutional environment.

3. is familiar with the European integration process and the policies of the European Union related to its activities.

4. has a good knowledge of modern, theoretically demanding mathematical-statistical, econometric and modelling methods of problem identification, problem conceptualization and problem solving, information gathering and processing, and is also familiar with the limitations of the above.

5. is familiar with the planning and management rules as well as with the professional and ethical standards of businesses, business organisations and projects.

6. has a knowledge and understanding of the basic and of the latest concepts, theories, characteristics and interrelationships of enterprise development, and is familiar with scientific problem formulation in the field.

7. understands the structure, operation and interrelationships of enterprises, as well as the environmental factors that determine the operation of enterprises, and understands the informational and motivational factors that influence economic decisions.

8. has a knowledge of methods for assessing the current position of enterprises based on sound professional analysis, while taking into account internal conditions and external environmental characteristics.

9. is able to assess the sources of funds needed for the implementation of development (change) and is familiar with the methods of financial return analysis.

10. has a broad knowledge in management and organization.

11. possesses the fundamental special technical vocabulary of economics in the language of the study programme and at least in one foreign language


Upon completion of the study programme, the student will acquire the following skills. The student

1. can formulate new conclusions, original ideas and solutions independently, can apply sophisticated methods of analysis and modelling, can develop strategies for solving complex problems and can make decisions in a changing national and international environment and organisational culture.

2. is able to work effectively in an international, multicultural environment.

3. can understand the interrelationships and interactions of business management and can evaluate the factors affecting future profitability and that also in terms of their relative importance.

4. organises and critically analyses professional sources and data, and that also with the help of ICT tools.

5. is able to identify the requirements and development opportunities arising from international trends in business development and from European policies.

6. develops, presents and argues for an individual viewpoint based on an own analysis.

7. In addition to performing tasks at the workplace, and after acquiring practical knowledge and experience, the student is able to manage an enterprise, plan and control complex business processes and manage resources.

8. is able to participate in large and complex projects, group problem solving, to lead, organise and evaluate activities.

9. can speak a foreign language and use its special technical vocabulary at level B2 (CEFR).


Upon completion of the study programme, the students will acquire the following competences. Students:

1. independently select and apply relevant problem-solving methods in areas of high organisational, strategic and managerial significance, and independently perform economic analysis and consultancy tasks.

2. independently establish, organise and manage even larger enterprises, larger organisations or departments.

3. assume responsibility for their own work, for the organisation/business they manage, for employees and for relations with partners

4. independently identify, plan, organise and take responsibility for their own and their subordinates' professional and general development.

5. independently plan the functional areas of businesses, the development of strategies, organisational processes and the cooperation of staff both within and outside the organisation.

6. analyse and evaluate the operations of an enterprise, and take responsibility for the fact that the results of their analyses and practical procedures depend on the method chosen.

7. independently and responsibly consider and take into account economic and non-economic consequences when formulating professional questions.

8. lecture and debate independently. They participate independently and responsibly in the work of professional fora within and outside their business organisation.

b) - The institution indicates the professions for which the graduate is prepared at the time of completion and the potential of the study programme from the point of view of graduate's employability.

Graduates from the master's study programme have knowledge and skills in general management, which are based on modern, scientifically validated knowledge and on the best practices of global and domestic companies. Immediately after their graduation, graduates can apply for junior-managerial positions and after a certain time they can move to higher management levels. They can manage the functional areas of businesses: accounting and finance, marketing and sales, production and logistics, planning and strategy.

The National Occupational Qualification System classifies occupations in the following groups: 12 - Managerial staff (managers) in management, support and business activities, 13 - Managerial staff (managers) in production and in specialised services and 14 - Managerial staff (managers) in accommodation, food, commercial and other services. 24 - Specialists in administrative, support and business activities.

Graduates of the study program when assessing their applicability on the labor market will be classified as "041 Business and administration" based on the international standard classification (International Standard Classification of Education: Fields of Education and Training 2013)

c) - Relevant external stakeholders who have provided the statement or a favorable opinion on the compliance of the acquired qualification with the sector-specific requirements for the profession.

In the case of this study programme, professions are not regulated.

3. - Employability
a) - Evaluation of the study programme graduates employability.

The Career Counselling Centre of J. Selye University conducts a survey among graduates in order to assess where, in what position and in what field graduates of the university have managed to find a job. The questionnaire is available here.

The questionnaire has been completed by 129 students who graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Informatics, of whom 17 were part-time students (13.18%) and 103 were full-time students (79.84%). 9 graduates did not answer the questions. 20.93% of the respondents completed the study programme Corporate Economics and Management, 6.98% completed the study programme Applied Informatics, 15.50% completed the study programme Business Management, 52.71% completed the master's study programme Business Economics and Management and 3.88% completed the doctoral study programme Business Economics and Management.

For university graduates, the Career Counseling Center of J. Selye University operates an Alumni Portal, called ALUMNI SPACE, with the aim of keeping in touch and informing about the events taking place at the university. Graduates can register and become members of the alumni club.

Information from the graduates' employability website shows the labor market location of graduates of Economics and Business Management Programme.

b) - If applicable, indicate the successful graduates of the study programme.

There is no information available about the students who have successfully graduated from the study program.

c) - Evaluation of the study programme quality by employers (feedback).

The Career Counselling Centre of J. Selye University publishes the results of surveys conducted among employers at the following website:

4. - Structure and content of the study programme
a) - The institution describes the rules for the design of study plans within the study programme.

The completion of the study programme lasts 2 years. The study programme Business Economics and Management is assigned to the field of study Economics and Management. The content of the study programme is in accordance with the description of the field of study and the main topics of the core knowledge are in accordance with Decree No. 244/2019 Coll., and correspond to the graduate profile in the given field. The study programme is developed in accordance with Act 131/2002 Coll. (Art. 54) and in compliance with the Study Regulations of J. Selye University.

b) - The institution compiles the recommended study plans for individual study paths.

The recommended study plan of the study programme is available in the Academic Information System of J. Selye University in the following modules:

VSST178 - Study plans, information sheets of study programmes - recommended study plans, information sheets, syllabi of state exam courses, ... of study programmes and sub-programmes

VSST215 - Monitoring panel of the study programme i.e. display of all information on the study programme, output reports from the AiS2 academic information system, documents to demonstrate compliance of the study programme with the standards of the Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education

The study plan is published on the faculty website:

After the harmonization of the Economics and Business Management (2nd level) study program, newly admitted students at the beginning of the next academic year will begin their studies on the harmonized study program.

c) - The study plan generally states:

- individual parts of the study programme (modules, courses, and other relevant school and extracurricular activities, if they contribute to the achievement of the required learning outcomes and allow to obtain credits) in the structure of compulsory, compulsory optional and optional courses,

The parts of the program are included in the study plan:

Study part: the subjects are listed in the structure of compulsory subjects, compulsory optional subjects and optional subjects

Part of the state exam: subjects of the state exam.

The recommended study plan of the study programme is available in the Academic Information System of J. Selye University in the following modules:

VSST178 - Study plans, information sheets of study programmes - recommended study plans, information sheets, syllabi of state exam courses, ... of study programmes and sub-programmes

VSST215 - Monitoring panel of the study programme i.e. display of all information on the study programme, output reports from the AiS2 academic information system, documents to demonstrate compliance of the study programme with the standards of the Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education

The study plan is available on the faculty's website:

- profile courses of the relevant study path (specialization) within the study programme,

  1. Organization Systems and Culture of the Organization
  2. Quality Management
  3. International Management and International Ventures
  4. Strategic Management
  5. Financial Management
  6. Marketing Strategy
  7. International Human Resource Management
  8. Controlling
  9. Financial Analysis
  10. Organization of Managerial Work
  11. Organizational Behaviour

- for each learning part/course the learning outcomes, related criteria and rules of their assessment so that the learning objectives of the study programme are met (they can be stated only in the Course information sheets, in the Learning outcomes section and in the Course completion requirements),

The information sheet for each educational part/subject clearly describes the requirements for its completion, as well as the learning outcomes (described in detail with the outputs of knowledge, skills, and competences) that the graduate acquires after completing the training part/subject.

- prerequisites, co-requisites and recommendations for the design of the study plan,

The prerequisites and further recommendations are contained in the study plan of the degree program, which is available in the following modules of the J. Selye University Academic Information System:

VSST178 - Output files of study programs - Study plans, information sheets, study materials of state examination subjects,... study programs, subprograms

VSST215 - Study program monitoring panel, display of all basic information related to the study program, AiS2 output reports, documents certifying the compliance of the study program and SAAVŠ standards

The curriculum is available on the faculty's website:

- methods by which the educational activity is delivered – present, distant, combined (in accordance with the Course information sheets),

On the information sheet of each educational part/subject, the teaching methods are clearly listed in "attendance" form. The curriculum of the study program is available in the following modules of the information system of the J. Selye University Academy:

VSST178 - Output files of study programs - Study plans, information sheets, study materials of state examination subjects,... study programs, subprograms

VSST215 - Study program monitoring panel, display of all basic information related to the study program, AiS2 output reports, documents certifying the compliance of the study program and SAAVŠ standards

Available on the faculty website:

- outline/syllabus of the course,

The thematic outline/syllabus of the subjects is a mandatory part of the information sheet for each subject.

- student workload ("extent" of individual courses and educational activities separately), credits allocated to each part based on the learning outcomes achieved and the workload involved,

When preparing the educational parts/subjects of the submitted study program, we took into account the workload of the students, in accordance with ECTS, depending on the allocated credits and depending on the duration of the education. One credit corresponds to 25-30 hours of work. This is a typical workload (actual time required to achieve learning outcomes may vary from student to student).

- credits allocated to each part based on the learning outcomes achieved and the workload involved,

In the case of educational parts/subjects with higher credit, where the attendance teaching hours are not in line with the student's workload, additional learning tasks have been defined, which the student solves through independent study under the supervision/guidance of the teacher, with a subsequent presentation of the learning results, which are the subject were recorded in advance on the information sheet.

- the person responsible for the course (or a partner organization/person ) with an indication of the contact details,

The Faculty of Economics and Informatics of J. Selye University concludes contracts with its partners for the provision of student placements. The partners include business entities, non-profit organisations, public administration institutions and other institutions whose professional activity is oriented towards, or can be linked to, degrees in economics and management. The aim of the Faculty of Economics and Informatics of J. Selye University is to improve the professional knowledge of students and to create opportunities for long-term cooperation with the participating institutions. A part of our students' studies is the completion of an internship of at least 3 weeks. The website is used to coordinate student placements and internships.

- course teachers (or participating partner organizations/persons) (may also be mentioned in Course information sheets),

The information sheets of the subjects include the persons providing the subjects.

- places where the courses are taught (if the study programme is delivered at several workplaces).

J. Selye University Faculty of Economics and Informatics, Komarno

d) - The institution states the number of credits, the achievement of which is a condition for proper completion of studies and other requirements that the student must meet within the study programme and for its proper completion, including the requirements for state examinations, rules for re-study and rules for the extension, interruption of study.
In accordance with the Act No. 131/2002 on Higher Education Institutions and the Amendment of Certain Acts (§ 53), the study program was developed for the usual study period (3 years). The study program adheres to the standard study load of max. 48 credits for one academic year, and the total number of credits for the entire studies: 120 credits.
e) - For individual study plans, the institution states the requirements for completing the individual parts of the study programme and the student's progress within the study programme in the given structure:

In order to successfully complete the studies, the student must obtain credits based on the following:

- Compulsory subjects (Type A subjects) - the student must complete all subjects, a total of 74 credits

- Mandatory optional subjects (type B subjects) - the student has min. collect 24 credits, of which the student must acquire 18 credits from foreign language subjects (CJAMx - English language or CJNMx - German language)

- The student earns additional credits (i.e. 8 credits) by completing other compulsory electives (type B subjects) or optional subjects (type C subjects) of his/her choice.

- The student obtains 14 credits for completing the subjects of the state exam.

f) - The institution describes the rules for verification of learning outcomes, students assessment and the possibilities of appealing against the assessment.

The educational results are checked and the students are evaluated in accordance with the Study Regulations at J. Selye University. The current Study Regulations at J. Selye University are available:

a) in the Academic Information System of the J. Selye University - Document manager/ J. Selye University legislation/Internal regulations

b) on the university website:


The method of archiving documents certifying the completion of educational results is determined by Rector's Directive No. 4/2021 on archiving documents proving the fulfilment of educational outcomes. The policy is available in the J. Selye University Academic Information System. Additional options for corrective procedures against the evaluation can be implemented on the basis of the Complaints Act No. 9/2010, which regulates the process of submitting, handling and monitoring complaints of natural or legal persons.

g) - Conditions for recognition of studies or a part of studies.

The procedure for the recognition of credits or study parts is described in the Study Regulations at J. Selye University, which can be found at:

a) in the Academic Information System of the J. Selye University - Document manager/ J. Selye University legislation/Internal regulations

b) on the university website:

h) - The institution states the topics of final theses of the study programme (or a link to the list).

The list of theses topics is available in the Academic Information System of the J. Selye University – module VSES057 – Registration of final theses - Overview, listing, updating, deletion of the topic definitions of final theses, application/registrations, canceling the acceptance of student applications for the topic of the final thesis, registration of evaluations.

i) - The institution describes or refers to:

- rules for the assignment, processing, opposition, defense and evaluation of final theses in the study programme,

The rules and procedures for the assignment, processing, criticism, defense and evaluation of final theses are declared and formulated in the Study Regulations at J. Selye University (full text with amendments), available: J. Selye University AIR / J. Selye University – legislative/ Internal regulations, year 2018, no. 8.

- opportunities and procedures for participation in student mobility,

The Study Regulations of the J. Selye University describe the procedures and rules for obtaining, collecting and transferring credits in accordance with the European Credit Transfer System, as well as define the rules and procedures for the recognition of subjects completed at another university. In order to increase the number of participants in Erasmus+ mobilities, the Office of International Relations, in cooperation with the faculties of the J. Selye University, regularly organizes informational Erasmus+ days and workshops, and offers the opportunity for personal or online consultation. On the one hand, promotional materials are distributed to J. Selye University students, and on the other hand, information is regularly published through the university's information tools.

The regulations and processes can be read in the Rector’s Directive No. 3/2014 on the organization of the ERASMUS+ mobility programme, available: J. Selye University AIR Documents manager/ J. Selye University -legislative/Guidelines, decrees, (2018 year, issue 10)

- rules for adherence to academic ethics and rules for drawing consequences,

In order to prevent violations of research integrity, plagiarism and academic fraud, the University takes measures to ensure that violations of these rules are incompatible with obtaining an academic degree. Detailed rules and procedures for the observance of academic ethics and the deduction of the consequences of their violation are regulated by the following regulations:

- Code of Ethics of J. Selye University, available at J. Selye University AIR: Document manager/ J. Selye University legislation/Internal regulations, (2013 year, number 11):

- Student Disciplinary Regulations of the Faculty of Economics and Informatics at J. Selye University: htttp:// %20UJS.pdf

- J. Selye University Faculty of Economics and Informatics has a Disciplinary Committee, in which J. Selye University Faculty of Economics and Informatics students are also represented:

- The basic principles of J. Selye University regarding the invalidity of the state examination or part thereof, the invalidity of the rigorous examination or part thereof, the revocation of the science-pedagogy degree or art-pedagogy degree, the proposal to recall the professor, or about resigning from the academic degree of J. Selye University. Available from J. Selye University AIR: Document Manager/ J. Selye University Legislation/Internal Regulations, (Year 2020, Issue 5)

- procedures applicable to students with special needs,

n accordance with the current trend, the university systematically seeks out and addresses students with special needs, and records an observable increase in their number. Students with special needs are entitled to support services according to their specific needs. The university has established a Student Help Center and employs a coordinator for students with special needs. More information can be found on the Center's website:

The rules and procedures are contained in Directive No. 7/2016 on students with special needs and on the competences of their coordinator at J. Selye University, which is available in J. Selye University AIR: Document manager/ J. Selye University legislation/Guidelines, decrees (year 2016) , No. 9), and is available on the J. Selye University website:

- procedures for filing complaints and appeals by students.

One of the basic principles of the university's internal quality assurance sustainability is the principle of continuous quality improvement. One of the basic principles of the sustainability of the university's internal quality system is the principle of continuous quality improvement. This principle is based on identifying the needs and expectations of students, staff and other stakeholders. In all processes of education, creative activity and services, the university continuously strives to improve all aspects of these activities.

To submit initiatives (complaints, appeals)/proposals, contact:

According to Article 4 of the Directive No. 5/2021 on the processes of the internal quality assurance system of the J. Selye University, the submitted complaints/proposals are dealt with by the quality assurance boards. The evaluation of the proposals is transparent and takes place with the participation of student representatives. If they are accepted, appropriate quality improvement measures will be adopted. If the e-mail address is identified, the applicant will be informed about the result of the acceptance of the good idea.

5. - Course information sheets of the study programme
In the structure according to Decree no. 614/2002 Coll.

The information sheets of the study program are from the Collection of Laws 614/2002. were created in three languages (Hungarian, Slovak, English) and are available to various affected groups:

a) in the following modules of the J. Selye University Academic Information System:

VSST178 - Output files of study programs - Study plans, information sheets, study materials of state examination subjects,... study programs, subprograms

VSST215 - Study program monitoring panel, display of all basic information related to the study program, AiS2 output reports, documents certifying the compliance of the study program and SAAVŠ standards

b) Available on the faculty website:

6. - Current academic year plan and current schedule
(or hyperlink).

The current timetable/schedule for the academic year is available here:

a) on the university website:

b) on the J. Selye University Faculty of Economics and Informatics website:

The timetable of each study program can be generated in the following module of J. Selye University AIR:

VSRH-009: Timetable (Timetables for the chosen academic year, semester, period, day, person, student, center, subject, room, study program, grade, group, subprogram, timetable lane).

It is possible to generate a timetable for a study program, subprogram, subject, center, person and room.

7. - Persons responsible for the study programme
a) - A person responsible for the delivery, development, and quality of the study programme (indicating the position and contact details).

Prof. Dr. Andrea Bencsik, CSc., profesor, Katedra manažmentu FEI UJS e-mail:, kontakty na zamestnanca:

b) - List of persons responsible for the profile courses of the study programme with the assignment to the course and provided with a link to the central Register of university staff and with contact details (they may also be listed in the study plan).

Profile course - Name of the responsible person - Employee register:

Organization of Managerial Work         Prof. Dr. Andrea Bencsik, CSc., 

Financial Analysis     Prof. Dr. Mihály Ormos, PhD. 

nternational Management and International Ventures,

International Human Resource Management,

Quality Management,

Controlling  Prof. Dr. Poór József, DSc. 

Marketing Strategy       Prof. Dr. László Józsa, CSc.

Strategic Management,

Organizational Behaviour          Dr. habil. Ing. Renáta Machová, PhD.

Organization Systems and Culture of the Organization Dr. habil. Ing. Péter Karácsony, PhD.

Financial Management prof. Ing. Vladimír Gazda, PhD.       

c) - Reference to the research/art/teacher profiles of persons responsible for the profile courses of the study programme.

The scientific/artistic-pedagogical characteristics of the persons providing the profile subjects of the study program are available in the AIR J. Selye University.

LZ078 - Panel of personal documents - Scientific / artistic - pedagogical features and other personal documents

d) - List of teachers of the study programme with the assignment to the course and provided with a link to the central Register of university staff and with contact details (may be a part of the study plan).

The list of teachers of the study program with subject assignment is part of the study plan.


The contact details of individual employees can be found on the faculty's website:

Availability of the central register of university employees:


e) - List of the supervisors of final theses with the assignment to topics (indicating the contact details).

The list of thesis supervisors can be found in the VSES057 module of the J. Selye University AIR - Registration of final theses - Overview, listing, updating, deletion of final thesis topics, application for the final thesis, deregistration from the topic, confirmation of the student's application for the final thesis topic, evaluation of the final thesis.

In the list of final theses, it is possible to filter by academic year, departments, supervisors, course of studies and study programs.

The contact details of the theses supervisors can be found on the faculty's website:

f) - Reference to the research/art/teacher profiles of the supervisors of final theses.

The scientific/artistic-pedagogical characteristics of the persons providing the profile subjects of the study program are available in J. Selye University AIR. LZ078 - Panel of personal documents - Scientific / artistic - pedagogical features and other personal documents

g) - Student representatives representing the interests of students of the study programme (name and contact details).

The students' interests are represented by students in various FEI UJS bodies:

a) Members of the Academic Senate of J. Selye University represnting students at FEI UJS:

1. Mgr. Adam Páldi, e-mail:

2. Mgr. Barnabás Szabó, e-mail:

b) Members of the Academic Senate of FEI UJS representing students:

1. János Mészáros, e-mail:

2. Mgr. Adam Páldi, e-mail:

3. Zsófia Ružíková, e-mail:

4. Mgr. Barnabás Szabó, e-mail:

c) UJS Quality Assurance Board:

1. Szilárd Szigeti, e-mail:

d) Quality Assurance Council of the FEI UJS:

1. PaedDr. Márk Csóka, e-mail: csokam@ujs

e) College of the Dean of FEI UJS:

1. Mgr. 1. Noémi Fóthy, e-mail:

f) Disciplinary Committees

Disciplinary Commission of FEI UJS:

1. Máté Meňhárt, e-mail:

2. Bc. Barbara Borkovičová, e-mail:

3. Bence Vetter, e-mail:

Disciplinary Committee of J. Selye University:

1. Mgr. 1. Noémi Fóthy, e-mail:

g) ERASMUS+ Commissions:

Faculty level: Mgr. Adam Páldi, e-mail:

at university level: Mgr. Barnabás Szabó, e-mail:

h) Student Research and Professional Activities Council of J. Selye University:

1. János Mészáros, e-mail:

i) Representatives of the Student Government of the FEI UJS:

Link to the FEI UJS Student Government website:

h) - Study advisor of the study programme (indicating contact details and information on the access to counseling and on the schedule of consultations).
i) - Other supporting staff of the study programme – assigned study officer, career counselor, administration, accommodation department, etc. (with contact details).

Student Administration Office of the Faculty of Economics and Informatics at J. Selye University: 

Career advisor: 

Mgr. Norbert Ištvánik, contact information:

Accommodation in a student residence:

Mgr. Attila Duba, contact information:

8. - Spatial, material, and technical provision of the study programme and support
a) - List and characteristics of the study programme classrooms and their technical equipment with the assignment to learning outcomes and courses (laboratories, design and art studios, studios, workshops, interpreting booths, clinics, priest seminaries, science and technology parks, technology incubators, school enterprises, practice centers, training schools, classroom-training facilities, sports halls, swimming pools, sports grounds).

a.      Classrooms

Education takes place in the following classrooms, which can be found in the Faculty of Economics and Informatics building in the J. Selye University Conference Center and in the J. Selye University Sports Center building.

a.      Lecture halls: K1, K2, K3, G110, G210

b.      Seminar classrooms: G202, G203, G205, G206, G207, G209, G309, G310, G405, K7, K8, K9

c.      Computer-based classrooms: K6, G313

d.      Laboratories: G312

e.      Other classrooms: the halls of the J. Selye University Sports Center

The classrooms can be viewed on the J. Selye University Faculty of Economics and Informatics website: virtuálna prehliadka budov.

b.     Information, communication and software provision of the study program

J. Selye University provides its students and staff with Internet access via the SANET high-speed university network. Connecting to the network can be done in two ways: either by authenticating the entry of individuals into the UJS network, or by registering the assignment of the device to be used. Students can use computers and the Internet free of charge in the classrooms and the University Library, and computers and the Internet are also available to them in the form of computer kiosks throughout the day in publicly accessible places in the J. Selye University buildings. Internet access is provided in the form of Wi-Fi connection in all buildings of J. Selye University, including the dormitories. The network is part of the EDUROAM project and provides network access for users of institutions participating in the project. Multifunctional devices for printing, scanning and copying documents through the SafeQ system, protected by ISIC card readers, are located in publicly accessible places.

The University operates its own e-mail server, all students and employees have their own university e-mail address, address book, calendar and file sharing function. Students and employees must use the data (login name and password) required to log in to the e-mail account to log in to the network, log in to the Wi-Fi zone, log in to authorized websites, use the SafeQ printing system, for logging into the system and other services.

The most important information sources and systems of J. Selye University:

1. DAWINCI Library Information System - a modern library information system, the system provides users with access to individual library collections via a web interface through the OPAC OnLine catalog. The register of readers is maintained through the J. Selye University student/employee ID card.

2. Academic information system AiR2 - The Academic Information System is a comprehensive information system that primarily serves to manage all three levels of university studies and to support the management of university scholarship and research. Almost all system functions are used in connection with the implementation of the study program, for example:

· electronic application (starting from application forms submitted in electronic form, through confirmation of applications to enrolment),

· complex registration of the entire study period,

· Registration of study programs,

· Registration of theses (with automatic transfer of all students' final theses to the central final theses register),

· Records related to student accommodation,

· Administrative subsystem for publishing all documents in the authorized zone, creating and evaluating student surveys,

· Register of graduates.

At the executive level, AIR serves as a tool for study planning and a source of study reports, as well as for measuring the teaching performance of individual departments and staff.

1. SOFIA financial information system - the system module connects to the AIR system in the registration area of all student payments and in the area of student scholarship payments.

2. Access to electronic databases - selected database collections of electronic information sources are available under the aegis of CVTI SR. Students' and teachers' access to the necessary databases is also solved by remote access via CVTI SR. Access also applies to foreign scientific journals available in the online databases of individual publishers.

3. Personal identification system - This system ensures users' access to individual information systems and electronic services based on uniformly defined login data (login name and password). This solution also includes an identification card based on a contactless chip card (student ID card and employee ID card). These cards are also used in the printing system, during catering, and also allow access to rooms with a secure access control system.

6. Learning Platform LMS (Learning Management System) Moodle portal: an educational platform that provides a tool to support e-learning for university teachers. Access to the system is only possible by logging in. It is a secure and complex tool to support e-learning.

7. BigBlueButton web conference system supporting online education.

8. Students can access the ORBIS EUROPE database via the J. Selye University internet network. The database contains approximately 110 million company reports. In addition to financial statements, it provides access to patents and data on mergers and acquisitions.

9. ECOSIM SmartSim - simulation software used in corporate finance and marketing subjects.

Students are informed in the following ways:

• e-mail communication through their own e-mail account, which is used for official communication between students and J. Selye University employees,

• through the websites of the university, faculty and departments,

• sending messages using the Academic Information System,

• providing information through large-screen televisions located in frequented public places of the University

b) - Characteristics of the study programme information management (access to study literature according to Course information sheets, access to information databases and other information sources, information technologies, etc.).

The Library of J. Selye University provides access to the study literature for the study programme, and that at least in the form of the availability of compulsory literature listed in the course information sheets. Library website:

a) Library Information System DAWINCI is a modern library information system that provides access to individual library collections via the OPAC OnLine catalogue through a web interface. The readers are registered through their student/employee cards.                                                                                                

b) 4. Access to electronic databases – Under the auspices of CVTI SR, selected database collections of electronic information sources are accessible. Students and teachers have access to the necessary databases by remote access via CVTI SR. This system also provides access to foreign scientific journals available in the online databases of individual publishers.                                                                                          

c) After logging in to the university Internet network, students access the database ORBIS EUROPE containing approximately 110 million company reports. In addition to financial statements, it also provides access to patents and data on mergers and acquisitions.

c) - Characteristics and extent of distance education applied in the study programme with the assignment to courses. Access, manuals of e-learning portals. Procedures for the transition from contact teaching to distance learning.

Na univerzite je prístup zabezpečený systémom identifikácie osôb, ktorý zabezpečuje prístup používateľov k jednotlivým informačným systémom a elektronickým službám na základe jednotne určeného prihlasovacích údajov (prihlasovacie meno a heslo). Súčasťou tohto riešenia je aj identifikačný preukaz na báze bezkontaktnej čipovej karty (preukaz študenta a preukaz zamestnanca). Tieto karty sa používajú aj v tlačovom systéme, v stravovacom systéme a zároveň umožňujú prístup do miestností so zabezpečeným s prístupovým systémom.

Pre potreby dištančného vzdelávania alebo vzdelávania kombinovanou formou univerzita má v prevádzke štyri servery s videokonferenčným systémom BigBlueButton. FEI UJS používa na zabezpečenie aktivít nasledujúce: – prístup aj bez autorizácie (bez prihlasovacieho mena a hesla) – prístup len po autorizácii (len s prihlasovacím menom a heslom)

Alternatívnym nástrojom na dištančné vzdelávanie je aj platforma MS Teams, ako súčasť balíka Office 365, ktorá je k dispozícii pre všetkých učiteľov aj študentov.

Ešte v roku 2015 bol na UJS vytvorený a zavedený do prevádzky e-learningový systém na báze open-source LMS Moodle. Tento systém bol v roku 2017 čiastočne integrovaný so systémom WeBWorK a v roku 2021 inovovaný na novšiu verziu. E-learningový systém spravuje Centrum Informačných Služieb UJS: (

E-learningový systém je dostupný na adrese:

Popri možnosti káblového pripojenia, ktorá je k dispozícii v ŠD, UK a na iných vybraných miestach, majú študenti vo všetkých budovách UJS prístup na internet prostredníctvom WiFi siete. K pripojeniu k sieti je potrebná autentifikácia osoby (prihlasovacie meno a heslo). V roku 2016 bol zavedený centrálny tlačový systém, ktorý je dostupný aj pre študentov. Študenti majú možnosť pridávať kredit na svoje účty v pokladni UJS. 

d) - Institution partners in providing educational activities for the study programme and the characteristics of their participation.

The Faculty of Economics and Informatics of J. Selye University concludes contracts with its partners for the provision of student placements. The partners include business entities, non-profit organisations, public administration institutions and other institutions whose professional activity is oriented towards, or can be linked to, degrees in economics and management. The aim of the Faculty of Economics and Informatics of J. Selye University is to improve the professional knowledge of students and to create opportunities for long-term cooperation with the participating institutions. A part of our students' studies is the completion of an internship of at least 3 weeks. The website is used to coordinate student placements and internships.

Faculty of Economics and Informatics at J. Selye University maintains partnership relations with the following organizations (e.g. MOL, Exxon Mobile, IBM - Ilex, OVB, ECOSIM). Cooperation with partners is mutual, we cooperate with some partners in different areas: practical training, knowledge transfer and research, lectures for students, participation of partners in conferences, or research projects are being prepared in common areas of operation.

e) - Characteristics of the possibilities for social, sports, cultural, spiritual and social activities.

J. Selye University also provides its students with a stimulating environment during their studies. J. Selye University effectively manages and operates its dormitories, where it provides comfortable accommodation for students, with ideal conditions for quality living with adequate hygiene standards and safety. The campus includes a multifunctional playground enabling students to spend their leisure time well and to play sports.

The university also provides students with catering services in the building of the Conference Centre. In the Sports Centre of the University, students have the opportunity to play sports and to do other leisure activities.

The University also aims to provide opportunities for cultural, social and spiritual activities. Students have the opportunity to visit the chapel set up in the dormitory Čajka.

f) - Possibilities and conditions for participation of the study programme students in mobilities and internships (indicating contact details), application instructions, rules for recognition of this education.

J. Selye University offers its students foreign study mobility opportunities within the Erasmus+, the Makovecz, and the CEEPUS mobility programmes, as well as various internships offered by the Balassi Institution (Mobility Grants of the Ministry of Human Resources of Hungary).

Currently, J. Selye University has 118 concluded bilateral agreements, memoranda and inter-institutional agreements with 63 partner institutions in 15 European countries as well as inter-institutional agreements in partner countries outside the EU within the KA107 activity.

The Department for International Relations in cooperation with the university's faculties regularly organise Erasmus+ information days and workshops, and offer the opportunity for personal or online consultation. Promotional materials, leaflets and brochures are distributed to all students. At the same time, the Department for International Relations at J. Selye University regularly publishes information about its activities on the Erasmus+ university website and regularly send information on mobility opportunities to all students, teachers and staff via the university's information systems. Foreign-language support is provided to students through the Erasmus+ On-line Linguistic Support (OLS) tool.

Partner institutions

Student mobility for the purposes of studying - Erasmus+:

Student mobility for the purposes of traineeships:

Instructions for students on how to apply:

Coordinators' contacts:

Makovecz Programme

Other mobility programmes:

9. - Required abilities and admission requirements for the study programme applicants
a) - Required abilities and necessary admission requirements.

The Business Economics and Management study programme aims to teach students how to deal with problems across a broad spectrum of corporate and business practice scenarios. It is assumed that candidates will have a basic knowledge of economics and business economics, as well as a basic knowledge of management and marketing. Among the transferable hard skills, they are expected to be able to use basic mathematical, statistical and IT methods. Since this set of requirements covers all degree programmes in Economics and Management, there are no advantages/limitations for graduates coming from different degree programmes within this field. The mobility and the expected diversity of the profile of the admitted students aims to enrich the educational process, improve the quality of the debates, expand the methodological apparatus and raise new questions and will lead to the search of new answers regarding the internal integrity of students in the Business Economics and Management study programme.

The admission process is based on an objective and measurable assessment of the academic performance of all applicants, which is used to establish a ranking list. This ranking is taken into account by the Dean when deciding on the admission of a student.

The study programme is taught either in Slovak or in Hungarian language, with documented knowledge of at least one of these languages being required where appropriate.

Skills and prerequisites for admission to the study programme can be found in the admission requirements:

b) - Admission procedures.

The admission procedure for the bachelor's and master's programs is in accordance with Section II of the Study Regulations at J. Selye University. part 19-25. regulated by its articles.

c) - Results of the admission process over the last period.

Academic year        Study Program      Number of applicants    Number of people admitted    Number of students not admitted    Number of people enrolled

2021/22          EMPem+       12       0         12       0

2020/21          EMPem+       4         0         4         0

2019/20          EMPem+       17       0         17       0

2018/19          EMPem+       16       0         16       0

2017/18          EMPem+       12       0         12       0

10. - Feedback on the quality of provided education
a) - Procedures for monitoring and evaluating students' opinions on the study programme quality.

In accordance with university regulations, Faculty of Economics and Informatics at J. Selye University developed and implemented an internal system to ensure the quality of education at the faculty level. The primary goal of the above-mentioned system is to ensure, monitor and improve the quality of education in accordance with the activities of the Faculty.

Pursuant to Article 70, Paragraph 1, Point h) of Act 131/2002 on Higher Education Institutions and Amendments to Certain Regulations, students have the right to participate in an anonymous questionnaire at least once a year, the purpose of which is to evaluate the quality of education and the instructors. At the end of each semester (ie twice a year), students of Faculty of Economics and Informatics at J. Selye University have the opportunity to evaluate the quality of education (all subjects listed on the student's registration form) and the instructors in an anonymous questionnaire. The anonymous questionnaire is available to students in AIR.

b) - Results of student feedback and related measures to improve the study programme quality.

After the questionnaire, the results are automatically evaluated by the system. The results of the survey are evaluated at different levels:

• Teacher level – feedback for taught subjects

• Head of department level - feedback on all subjects provided by the department

• The level of the deputy dean responsible for education and social affairs, as well as the level of the dean - feedback on all subjects provided by the faculty. Text comments will only appear after approval by the Associate Dean

Quality Assurance Council of the Faculty of Economics and Informatics at J. Selye University - discusses the results of the surveys once a year

• Academic Senate of the Faculty of Economics and Informatics at J. Selye University - discusses the results as part of the annual reports of the Faculty of Economics and Informatics at J. Selye University

• Academic Council of the Faculty of Economics and Informatics at J. Selye University - discusses the annual report on educational quality assurance of the Faculty of Economics and Informatics at J. Selye University

Outcome measures are implemented at individual levels.

c) - Results of graduate feedback and related measures to improve the study programme quality.

The results of the Academic Quarter survey also gave us feedback.

The purpose of the national student satisfaction survey for the Academic Quarter was to map the I. and II. level/combined education students' opinions regarding education and the conditions of education. Thanks to the questionnaire, the Slovak Higher Education Accreditation Agency received feedback on how to improve the quality and conditions of education at universities.

The results of the Academic Quarter survey are available here:

11. - References to other relevant internal regulations and information concerning the study or the study programme student
(e.g study guide, accommodation regulations, fee directive, guidelines for student loans, etc.).

. Selye University scholarship regulations, Addendum no. 1 to the J. Selye University Scholarship Regulations, Addendum no. 2 to the J. Selye University Scholarship Regulations

AIS – J. Selye University – legislation – Internal regulations: 2018-2, 2018-9, 2020-6


Directive no. 5/2013 on Student Scientific Professional Activities of J. Selye University, Addendum no. 1 to the Directive on Student Scientific Professional Activities of the J. Selye University



AIS – J. Selye University – legislation – Internal management acts: 2021-5, 2021-4

UJS rector's directive no. 10/2010 on the principles of lending laptop computers to students (as amended by Addendum No. 1) AIS – J. Selye University – legislation – Internal management acts: 2011-7


Rector's directive no. 1/2021 Tuition and fees associated with studying at J. Selye University for the academic year 2021/2022

AIS – J. Selye University – legislation – Internal management acts: 2021-6


Directive No. 9/2020, which issues the House and Accommodation Regulations of the ŠD J. Selye University, Directive No. 11/2020, issuing Addendum No. 1 to the House and Accommodation Rules of the ŠD J. Selye University


AIS – J. Selye University – legislation – Internal management acts: 2020-29, 2020-43


J. Selye University matriculation and graduation regulations

AIS – J. Selye University – legislation – Internal regulations: 2015-5


Directive no. 8/2016 On issuing documents on completion of studies at J. Selye University, AIS – J. Selye University – legislation – Internal management acts: 2016-10


Smernica rektora č. 1/2014 Knižničný a výpožičný poriadok Univerzitnej knižnice J. Selye University, Dodatok č. 1 k Smernici rektora č. 1/2014 Knižničný a výpožičný poriadok Univerzitnej knižnice UJS, Dodatok č. 2 k Smernici rektora č. 1/2014 Knižničný a výpožičný poriadok Univerzitnej knižnice J. Selye University


AIS – J. Selye University – legislation – Internal management acts: 2014-2, 2016-18, 2016-24

Statute of the Student Self-Government,

AIS – J. Selye University – legislation – Internal management acts: 2010-8


Rector's directive no. 3/2014 on organizing foreign mobility of students, teachers and staff within the Erasmus+ program at J. Selye University - Full text

AIS – J. Selye University – legislation – Internal management acts: 2021-16


Directive no. 7/2016 on students with specific needs and on the scope of activities of the UJS coordinator for students with specific needs

AIS – J. Selye University – legislation – Internal management acts: 2016-9


Directive no. 6/2016 on free access to information

AIS – J. Selye University – legislation – Internal management acts: 2016-8