Study programme EMPdd22 - Business Economics and Management
Study Grade of study - III. - third level, study form - full time, study type - Single degree study
Document type: Description of the study programme
The name of the university J. Selye University
The seat of the university Bratislavská cesta 3322, 94501 Komárno
The name of the faculty Faculty of Economics and Informatics
The seat of the faculty Hradná 167/21, 945 01 Komárno
Institution body for approving the study programme:
Quality Assurance Council of J. Selye University
1. - Basic information about the study programme
a) - Name of the study program and its number according to the register of study programmes.
Economics and Business Management Programme code according to the register of study courses: 113091
b) - Degree of higher education and ISCED-F education degree code.
3rd level of university studies, ISCED-F education code: 864
c) - Place(s) of delivery of the study programme.
d) - Name and number of the field of study in which higher education is obtained by completing the study programme, or a combination of two fields of study in which higher education is obtained by completing the study programme, ISCED-F codes of the field/fields.
Field of study: 8. Economics and Management ISCED-F code of the study field: 041
e) - Type of the study programme: academically oriented, professionally oriented; translation, translation combination study programme (listing the specializations); teaching, teaching combination study programme (listing the specializations); artistic, engineering, doctoral, preparation for regulated profession, joint study programme, interdisciplinary studies.
Awarded academic degree after the name
g) - Form of study.
full time
h) - In the case of joint study programmes, cooperating institutions and the range of study obligations the student fulfills at each of the given institutions (§ 54a of the Act on Higher Education Institutions).

non relevant

i) - Language or languages in which the study programme is delivered.
Hungarian, Slovak
j) - Standard length of the study expressed in academic years.
3 years
k) - Capacity of the study programme (planned number of students), the actual number of applicants and students.
The planned number of students is specified in the Conditions for Admission published at: The actual number of students enrolled as of 31 October 2021 was 3. The actual number of applicants for the study programme in 2021 was 9.
2. - Graduate profile and learning objectives
a) - The institution defines the learning objectives of the study programme such as student's abilities at the time of completion of the programme and the main learning outcomes.

The objective of the doctoral study programme is to provide students with the opportunity to obtain philosophical and methodological knowledge for the scientific evaluation of phenomena in economics and business management. Students master the methodological basis of scientific research about managerial disciplines, the principles of independent and team-based scientific work, scientific research, scientific problem formulation, solutions to complex scientific problems and of the presentation of scientific results. Graduates are familiar with the standards, principles and methods of scientific work in economics and management as well as they can independently plan, organize and evaluate economic phenomena, and can participate in developing the theory of the given field.

Upon successful completion of the study programme, the students acquire the following knowledge:

1.   The graduate will acquire and be able to select and apply appropriate scientific methods of basic and applied research in the field of study.

2.   The student has comprehensive knowledge in several areas of the field, which serves as a basis for research and development, formulating solutions to economic and managerial problems, and generating new scientific knowledge.

3.   Possesses an adequate level of methodological, statistical, and technical knowledge for in-depth research.

4.   Can distinguish scientifically new and novel results from already known and proven practices.

5.   Has acquired sufficient knowledge in the given field and is able to formulate problems and hypotheses.

Upon successful completion of the programme, the students will have acquired the following skills:

1.   The graduate is able to recognize scientific challenges, identify scientific problems, formulate research questions, and derive research design based on focused, diverse, but critical research.

2.   The student will master basic approaches to scientific work, identify sources of information and utilise the available information systems appropriately.

3.   Can formulate and scientifically evaluate research theses in relation to the nature of the research problem and research area.

4.   Can formulate and test research hypotheses.

5.   Can apply qualitative or quantitative research methods appropriately.

6.   Can design, validate, and implement innovative research methods based on his or her own research findings.

Upon successful completion of the study programme, the student will acquire the following competencies:

1.   The graduates demonstrate independent, critical, analytical and conceptual thinking, which they apply in different contexts and independently present the results of research and development to the expert public in Slovakia and abroad.

2.   As a result of their linguistic competence, they are able to publish scientific papers in reputable journals and journals registered in international databases (CCC, WOS, Scopus, etc.).

3.   In their scientific work, social, scientific and ethical aspects are taken into account when formulating and interpreting research objectives and generalizing research results.

4.   They are able to formulate a view on current issues, determine the focus of research, and coordinate the work of a research group.

5.   They are able to apply and transfer the knowledge they acquired to those involved in the teaching and those working in the field. They can contribute to the development of economic theory and management practice at national and international level.

b) - The institution indicates the professions for which the graduate is prepared at the time of completion and the potential of the study programme from the point of view of graduate's employability.

The study program makes graduates specialised in the procedures and techniques of basic and applied research in management disciplines. They can work as highly qualified professional teachers, as well as consultants, researchers and managers. Graduates have a good overview of historical and current management theories, business economics, and microeconomics. They can methodically analyze program, process, and diagnostic problems in business practice. They are also qualified to work in the further education of teachers and pedagogical staff in the given field.

The graduates are familiar with and can use the scientific methods of basic and applied research in economics and business management and can define problems, analyze economic and managerial phenomena and processes in businesses. They can generalize the acquired knowledge, and contribute to the development of economic theories and organizational practice.

c) - Relevant external stakeholders who have provided the statement or a favorable opinion on the compliance of the acquired qualification with the sector-specific requirements for the profession.

In the case of this study programme, professions are not regulated.

3. - Employability
a) - Evaluation of the study programme graduates employability.

The Career Counselling Centre of J. Selye University conducts a survey among graduates in order to assess where, in what position and in what field graduates of the university have managed to find a job. The questionnaire is available here.

The questionnaire has been completed by 129 students who graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Informatics, of whom 17 were part-time students (13.18%) and 103 were full-time students (79.84%). 9 graduates did not answer the questions. 20.93% of the respondents completed the study programme Corporate Economics and Management, 6.98% completed the study programme Applied Informatics, 15.50% completed the study programme Business Management, 52.71% completed the master's study programme Business Economics and Management and 3.88% completed the doctoral study programme Business Economics and Management.

60% of respondents who have completed the PhD programme in Business Economics and Management are employed and 40% are entrepreneurs. 20% of the graduates of the study programme work in a field corresponding to their studies, 60% in a related field and 20% in a completely different field."

b) - If applicable, indicate the successful graduates of the study programme.

Name, Employer

PhDr. Zsuzsanna Szeiner, PhD., J. Selye University, Faculty of Economics and Informatics

Mgr. Adriana Mezeiová, PhD., J. Selyeho University, Faculty of Economics and Informatics

Mgr. Tibor Zsigmond, PhD., J. Selye University, Faculty of Economics and Informatics

Dr. Gyurián Nagy Nikolett, Széchenyi István University, Győr, Hungary

c) - Evaluation of the study programme quality by employers (feedback).

As part of the harmonization of the study programme Business Economics and Management, the Faculty of Economics and Informatics at J. Selye University (hereinafter also referred to as "FEI UJS") requested a statement/opinion regarding the study programme from the MOLGroup Plc. in the capacity of an employer. In the case of the study programme Business Economics and Management (3rd-level programme), Dr. Dávid Bauer (Senior Manager in Human Resources) and Dr. József Goldfárth (Head of the Department of Chemicals and Oilfield Technology) evaluated the need for the study programme, the programme's aim and description, its structure, the content of the course information sheets and the conditions of the study environment on behalf of MOlGroup.

The Career Counselling Centre of J. Selye University publishes the results of surveys conducted among employers at the following website:"

4. - Structure and content of the study programme
a) - The institution describes the rules for the design of study plans within the study programme.

The completion of the study programme lasts 3 years. The study programme Business Economics and Management is assigned to the field of study Economics and Management. The content of the study programme is in accordance with the description of the field of study and the main topics of the core knowledge are in accordance with Decree No. 244/2019 Coll., and correspond to the graduate profile in the given field. The study programme is developed in accordance with Act 131/2002 Coll. (Art. 54) and in compliance with the Study Regulations of J. Selye University.

b) - The institution compiles the recommended study plans for individual study paths.

The study according to the doctoral study programme is carried out according to an individual study plan under the guidance of a supervisor (Sec. 3. § 54) 131/2002 Coll of Laws. The recommended study plan of the study programme is available in the Academic Information System of J. Selye University in the following modules:

VSST178 - Study plans, information sheets of study programmes - recommended study plans, information sheets, syllabi of state exam courses, ... of study programmes and sub-programmes

VSST215 - Monitoring panel of the study programme i.e. display of all information on the study programme, output reports from the AiS2 academic information system, documents to demonstrate compliance of the study programme with the standards of the Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education

The study plan is published on the faculty website:

The study programme Business Economics and Management has been harmonised without modification: there have been no additions or deletions of compulsory courses or compulsory elective courses; there were no modifications to the conditions for the completion of studies or to the information sheets of compulsory subjects or compulsory elective subjects (except for the updating of the lecturers, of the recommended literature or of the assessment of the course, which are not considered as modifications) - i.e. students of all years go through the same study path in their studies in this respect.

c) - The study plan generally states:

- individual parts of the study programme (modules, courses, and other relevant school and extracurricular activities, if they contribute to the achievement of the required learning outcomes and allow to obtain credits) in the structure of compulsory, compulsory optional and optional courses,

The different parts of the programme are listed in the study plan:

Study part: the subjects are listed as compulsory subjects, compulsory elective subjects and elective subjects

Scientific part: subjects related to activity in the field of science

State examinations: these are the subject Preparation of the Dissertation Project and Dissertation Examination and the subject Dissertation Defence

The study plan of the study programme is available in the Academic Information System of J. Selye University in the following modules:

VSST178 - Study plans, information sheets, ... of study programmes - recommended study plans, information sheets, syllabi of state exam courses, ... of study programmes, sub-programmes

VSST215 - Monitoring panel of the study programme i.e. display of all information on the study programme, output reports from the AiS2 academic information system, documents to demonstrate compliance of the study programme with the standards of the Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education

The study plan is published on the faculty website:

- profile courses of the relevant study path (specialization) within the study programme,

The study plan lists the profile subjects of the study programme.

- for each learning part/course the learning outcomes, related criteria and rules of their assessment so that the learning objectives of the study programme are met (they can be stated only in the Course information sheets, in the Learning outcomes section and in the Course completion requirements),

The information sheets of all educational units/subjects/courses clearly describe the requirements for their completion as well as the learning outcomes (detailed description of knowledge, skills and competences) that the graduate will acquire upon completion of the educational unit/subject/course.

- prerequisites, co-requisites and recommendations for the design of the study plan,

Prerequisites and other recommendations are spcified in the study plan of the study programme, which is available in the Academic Information System of J. Selye University in the following modules:

VSST178 - Study plans, information sheets, ... of study programmes - recommended study plans, information sheets, syllabi of state exam courses, ... of study programmes, sub-programmes

VSST215 - Monitoring panel of the study programme i.e. display of all information on the study programme, output reports from the AiS2 academic information system, documents to demonstrate compliance of the study programme with the standards of the Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education.

The study plan is published on the faculty website:

- for each learning part of the study plan/course the applied educational activities (lecture, seminar, exercise, final work, project work, laboratory work, internship, excursion, field practice, professional practice, state exam, etc. or their combinations) suitable for achieving learning outcomes,

For each subject, the activities that are necessary to achieve the learning outcomes are clearly defined. This information is given in the course information sheets of the study programme, which are elaborated in accordance with Decree No 614/2002 Coll. in three languages (Hungarian, Slovak, English) and are available in the Academic Information System of J. Selye University in the following modules:

VSST178 - Output reports for study programmes - recommended study plans, information sheets, syllabi of state examination courses, ... study programme, sub-programme. These are also published on the faculty's website:

- methods by which the educational activity is delivered – present, distant, combined (in accordance with the Course information sheets),

In the information sheets of all educational parts/subjects/courses, the method of education is defined as "presence method", i.e. "face-to-face teaching". The course information sheets are available in the Academic Information System of J. Selye University in the following modules:

VSST178 - Study plans, information sheets, ... of study programmes - recommended study plans, information sheets, syllabi of state exam courses, ... of study programmes, sub-programmes

VSST215 - Monitoring panel of the study programme i.e. display of all information on the study programme, output reports from the AiS2 academic information system, documents to demonstrate compliance of the study programme with the standards of the Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education.

These are also available at the faculty website:

- outline/syllabus of the course,

The syllabi form a mandatory part of the course information sheets

- student workload ("extent" of individual courses and educational activities separately),

In the preparation of the educational parts/courses of the submitted study programme, we have taken into account the students' workload, and that in accordance with the ECTS, depending on the number of credits gained and the duration of the education . One credit corresponds to 25-30 hours of work. This represents a standard workload (the actual time required to achieve the learning outcomes may vary from student to student).

- course teachers (or participating partner organizations/persons) (may also be mentioned in Course information sheets),

The teachers of courses are listed in the subject information sheets.

- places where the courses are taught (if the study programme is delivered at several workplaces).

Faculty of Economics and Informatics UJS, Komárno

d) - The institution states the number of credits, the achievement of which is a condition for proper completion of studies and other requirements that the student must meet within the study programme and for its proper completion, including the requirements for state examinations, rules for re-study and rules for the extension, interruption of study.
In accordance with Act No. 131/2002 Coll. on Higher Education and on Amendments and Supplements to Certain Acts (§ 54), the study programme was elaborated for the standard length of study (3 years). The study programme follows the standard study workload for one academic year and the total number of credits for the entire study is 180 credits.
e) - For individual study plans, the institution states the requirements for completing the individual parts of the study programme and the student's progress within the study programme in the given structure:

The study part:

Number of credits for compulsory courses required for the regular completion of the study/completion of the part of the study: 30 credits,

Number of credits for compulsory elective courses required for the regular completion of the study/completion of the part of the study: minimum 15 credits,

Number of credits for elective courses required for the regular completion of studies/completion of part of studies: student can obtain the missing credits from the range of compulsory elective and elective courses, the number of credits is 15.

Scientific part:

The number of credits for the scientific part is 60 credits.

State examinations:

The number of credits for the Preparation of the Dissertation Project and the Dissertation Examination is 20 credits and for the Dissertation Defence is 40 credits.

f) - The institution describes the rules for verification of learning outcomes, students assessment and the possibilities of appealing against the assessment.

The verification of learning outcomes and student assessment is carried out in accordance with the current Study Regulations of J. Selye University.

The method of archiving documents proving the fulfilment of learning outcomes is regulated by the Rector's Directive No. 4/2021 on archiving documents proving the fulfilment of learning outcomes. The Directive is available in the Academic Information System of J. Selye University.

The current Study Regulations of J. Selye University are available:

a) in the Academic Information System of of J. Selye University - Documents/UJS-Legislation/Internal Regulations

b) or on the university's website:

Other options for appeal procedures against the evaluation can be implemented in compliance with the Act on Complaints 9/2010 Coll., which regulates the procedure for filing, handling and control of complaints of natural persons or legal entities.

g) - Conditions for recognition of studies or a part of studies.

The procedure for the recognition of credits or for the recognition of a part of studies is stipulated in the Study Regulations of J. Selye University and in the General Principles of Doctoral Studies at J. Selye University.

The Study Regulations of J. Selye University are available:

a) in the Academic Information System of J. Selye University- Documents/UJS-Legislation/Internal Regulations

b) on the website of the university:

h) - The institution states the topics of final theses of the study programme (or a link to the list).

The thesis topics are published on the website of the Faculty of Economics and Informatics of J. Selye University:

i) - The institution describes or refers to:

- rules for the assignment, processing, opposition, defense and evaluation of final theses in the study programme,

The rules are published on the website of Faculty of Economics and Informatics of J. Selye University:

- opportunities and procedures for participation in student mobility,

The Study Regulations of J. Selye University (Article 11), in accordance with the European Credit Transfer System, specify the procedures and rules for obtaining credits, their accumulation and transfer, the rules and procedures for the recognition of the completion of courses at other universities.

In order to increase the number of participants in Erasmus+ mobility programmes, the Department for International Relations in cooperation with the faculties of J. Selye University regularly organizes Erasmus+ information days and workshops, and offers the opportinity for personal or online consultation. Promotional materials are distributed to university students and information is regularly published through the university's information channels.

The rules and procedures are specified in the Rector's Directive No. 3/2014 on the organisation of the Erasmus+ international mobility of students, teachers and staff at J. Selye University. The document is available in the Academic Information System of J. Selye University at: Documents/UJS-Legislation/Internal Acts of Management, 2018, No. 10).

- rules for adherence to academic ethics and rules for drawing consequences,

Research integrity violations, plagiarism and academic fraud - the university implements measures to make sure that violations of these rules exclude the obtaining of an academic degree. Detailed rules and procedures on compliance with academic ethics and the drawing of consequences for their violation are governed by:

The Code of Ethics of J. Selye University is available in the Academic Information System of J. Selye University: AIS UJS Documents/UJS-Legislation/Internal Regulations, 2013, Issue 11, and on the UJS website:

Disciplinary Regulations for students at the Faculty of Economics and Informatics of J. Selye University:

The Faculty of Economics an Informatics at J. Selye University has established a Disciplinary Committee, in which the faculty's students are also represented:

J. Selye University's policy on the invalidation of the state exams or of their part, on the invalidation of the rigorosum examination or its part, and on the revocation of a scientific-pedagogical degree or of an artistic-pedagogical degree, and on the proposal for the revocation of professorship and the revocation of an academic title by J. Selye University. Available in the Academic Information System of J. Selye University: Documents/UJS-Legislation/Internal Regulations, year 2021, issue 5.

- procedures applicable to students with special needs,

In line with the current trends, the University systematically reaches out to students with special needs and has been registering a noticeable increase in their number. Students with special needs are eligible for support services according to their specific needs. The University has established a Student Support Centre and employs a coordinator for students with special needs.

Further information is available on the Student Support Centre's website:

Policies and procedures are described in the Rector's Directive No. 7/2016 on Students with Special Needs and the Responsibilities of the University Coordinator for Students with Special Needs, available in the AIS UJS Documents/UJS-Legislation/Internal Acts of Governance, 2016, Issue 9), alternatively also available on the university website:

- procedures for filing complaints and appeals by students.

One of the basic pillars of the sustainability of the internal quality system of the university is the principle of continuous quality improvement. This principle is based on the identification of the needs and expectations of students, staff and of other stakeholders. In all processes related to education, scientific activities and services, the university strives to continuously improve all aspects of these activities.

Contact details for making suggestions:

The submitted complaints and recommendations are dealt with by the quality assurance bodies in accordance with Article 4 of Directive No. 5/2021 on the processes of the internal quality system of J. Selye University. The review of complaints and recommendations is transparent and is carried out with the participation of student representatives. In case of the acceptance of complaints and recommendations, adequate quality improvement measures are taken. If their email address can be identified, the submitting persons are informed on the outcome of their recommendations.

5. - Course information sheets of the study programme
In the structure according to Decree no. 614/2002 Coll.

The study programme's course information sheets are structured in compliance with Decree No 614/2002 Coll. in three languages (Hungarian, Slovak, English) and are accessible to different stakeholder groups:

(a) in the Academic Information System of J. Selye University in the following modules:

VSST178 - Output reports for study programmes - recommended study plans, information sheets, syllabi of state examination courses, ... of study programmes, sub-programmes

VSST215 - Monitoring panel of the study programme i.e. display of all basic information about the study programme, output reports from AiS2, documents to prove compliance of the study programme with the standards of the Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education.

b) Course information sheets are also published on the faculty website:

6. - Current academic year plan and current schedule
(or hyperlink).

The current academic year's schedule is available:

(a) at the University's website:

b) on the website of the Faculty of Economics and Informatics:

The timetables for individual study programmes can be generated from the Academic information System of J. Selye University in the following module:

VSRH-009: Timetable for... (timetable reports for the selected academic year, semester, period, day for teachers, students, centre, subject, room, study programme, year, group, sub-programme, timetable window)

Timetables can be generated for a study programme, sub-programmes, a course, a centre or a room and for a person.

7. - Persons responsible for the study programme
a) - A person responsible for the delivery, development, and quality of the study programme (indicating the position and contact details).

Prof. Ing. Vladimír Gazda, PhD, Professor, Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Informatics, J. Selye University - e-mail:, contacts to the employee:

Register of university employees:

b) - List of persons responsible for the profile courses of the study programme with the assignment to the course and provided with a link to the central Register of university staff and with contact details (they may also be listed in the study plan).

Economic Informatics, Quantitative Research Methods in Economics and Management, Microeconomics: Prof. Ing. Vladimír Gazda, PhD.,

Business Economics, Prof. Dr. Mihály Ormos, PhD.,

Finance and Accounting of Business Entities, Dr. habil. Ing. Renáta Machová, PhD.,

Management, Prof. Dr. Andrea Bencsik, CSc.,

Marketing Management, Prof. Dr. László Józsa, CSc.,

Teachers' contacts are available on the University's website:

c) - Reference to the research/art/teacher profiles of persons responsible for the profile courses of the study programme.

The Research/art/teacher profiles of persons teaching the profile subjects of the study programme are available in the Academic Information System of J. Selye University.

LZ078 - Person's documents dashboard - Research/art/teacher profile and other documents of a person

d) - List of teachers of the study programme with the assignment to the course and provided with a link to the central Register of university staff and with contact details (may be a part of the study plan).

The list of teachers involved in the study programme with their course assignments is included in the study plan.

The contact details of each staff member are listed on the faculty website:

Link to the central register of university staff:

e) - List of the supervisors of final theses with the assignment to topics (indicating the contact details).

The list of theses topics is published on the website of Faculty of Economics and Informatics at J. Selye University, including the e-mail address:

Contacts for each staff member are listed on the faculty's website:

f) - Reference to the research/art/teacher profiles of the supervisors of final theses.

The Research/art/teacher profiles of persons teaching the profile subjects of the study programme are available in the Academic Information System of J. Selye University.

LZ078 - Person's documents dashboard - Research/art/teacher profile and other documents of a person

g) - Student representatives representing the interests of students of the study programme (name and contact details).

The students' interests are represented by students in various FEI UJS bodies:

a) Members of the Academic Senate of J. Selye University represnting students at FEI UJS:

1. Mgr. Adam Páldi, e-mail:

2. Mgr. Barnabás Szabó, e-mail:

b) Members of the Academic Senate of FEI UJS representing students:

1. János Mészáros, e-mail:

2. Mgr. Adam Páldi, e-mail:

3. Zsófia Ružíková, e-mail:

4. Mgr. Barnabás Szabó, e-mail:

c) UJS Quality Assurance Board:

1. Szilárd Szigeti, e-mail:

d) Quality Assurance Council of the FEI UJS:

1. PaedDr. Márk Csóka, e-mail: csokam@ujs

e) College of the Dean of FEI UJS:

1. Mgr. 1. Noémi Fóthy, e-mail:

f) Disciplinary Committees

 Disciplinary Commission of FEI UJS:

1. Máté Meňhárt, e-mail:

2. Bc. Barbara Borkovičová, e-mail:

3. Bence Vetter, e-mail:

Disciplinary Committee of J. Selye University:

1. Mgr. 1. Noémi Fóthy, e-mail:

g) ERASMUS+ Commissions:

Faculty level: Mgr. Adam Páldi, e-mail:

at university level: Mgr. Barnabás Szabó, e-mail:

h) Student Research and Professional Activities Council of J. Selye University:

1. János Mészáros, e-mail:

i) Representatives of the Student Government of the FEI UJS:

Link to the FEI UJS Student Government website:

h) - Study advisor of the study programme (indicating contact details and information on the access to counseling and on the schedule of consultations).

Studying in the doctoral study programme is performed according to an individual study plan under the guidance of a supervisor.

i) - Other supporting staff of the study programme – assigned study officer, career counselor, administration, accommodation department, etc. (with contact details).

Student Administration Office of FEI UJS:

Career Advisor:

Mgr. Mgr. Norbert Ištvánik, contacts:

Student accommodation at the dormitory:

Mgr. Attila Duba, contacts:

8. - Spatial, material, and technical provision of the study programme and support
a) - List and characteristics of the study programme classrooms and their technical equipment with the assignment to learning outcomes and courses (laboratories, design and art studios, studios, workshops, interpreting booths, clinics, priest seminaries, science and technology parks, technology incubators, school enterprises, practice centers, training schools, classroom-training facilities, sports halls, swimming pools, sports grounds).

a) The rooms and their equipment                         

Teaching takes place in the following rooms, located at the Faculty of Economics and Informatics premises, the Conference Centre of J. Selye University and the Sports Centre of J. Selye University.

a) lecture rooms:

K1, K2, K3, G110, G210

b) seminar rooms: G202, G203, G205, G206, G207, G209, G309, G310, G405, K7, K8, K9

c) computer rooms: K6, G313

d) laboratories: G312

e) other rooms: premises of the Sports Centre of J. Selye University                                                                                                            

ICT and software used in the framework of the study programm J. Selye University provides its students and staff with Internet access via the high-speed academic network SANET. Access is provided either after the authentication of persons to the university network or after registering a device for a concrete person. Students have free access to computers and the Internet in purpose-built rooms and at the University Library. They also have access to computers, and the Internet is publicly accessible in the form of computer kiosks at university premises, which are open all day. Internet access is also provided with a Wi-Fi connection available in all university buildings, including the dormitories. The network is a part of the EDUROAM project and provides access to the web for users of the institutions involved in the project. Multifunctional devices for printing, scanning and copying documents are also located in publicly accessible spots. The services are available via the SafeQ system, and the devices are equipped with ISIC card readers. 

The university operates its e-mail server: students and staff members are provided with their e-mail box, address book, and calendar and share files through the system. The mailbox identification data of employees and students (login name and password) are also used for logging in to the network, to log in to the Wi-Fi zone, to pages of the university website that need

authentication, to the SafeQ printing system, to the catering system and other services.  


1. Library Information System DAWINCI is a modern library information system that provides access to individual library collections via the OPAC OnLine catalogue through a web interface. The readers are registered through their student/employee cards.

2. Academic information system AiS2 - The academic information system is a complex system designed primarily to manage all three levels of university studies and support the management of science and research at universities. In connection with the implementation of the study program, almost all functionalities and tools of the system are regularly used, for example:

• electronic application (from the submission of the application in electronic form through electronic confirmation to enrolment),

• complex administration of studies,

• administration of study programmes,

• records of the final thesis (with automatic transfer of all final dissertation to the central register of final thesis),

• administration of student accommodation,

• an administrative subsystem for the publication of all documents in the authorized zone, and the creation and evaluation of student feedback surveys,

• alumni portal.

At the management level, AIS serves as a tool for study planning and a resource for teaching reports and measuring the educational performance of departments, divisions, and employees.

3. Financial information system SOFIA - the system module is connected to the AIS system to register all student and scholarship payments.

4. Access to electronic databases – Under the auspices of CVTI SR, selected database collections of electronic information sources are accessible. Students and teachers have access to the necessary databases by remote access via CVTI SR. This system also provides access to foreign scientific journals available in the online databases of individual publishers.

5. Personal identification system - provides access to individual information systems and electronic services based on consistent login data (login name and password). An identification card in the form of a contactless chip card (student card and employee card) is also a part of this solution. These cards are used for accessing the printing system, the catering system and are also used to access rooms with a secure access system.

6 LMS (Learning Management System) portal Moodle is an educational platform providing university teachers with a tool to support e-learning. The system can be accessed only after logging in with the uniform login name and password. It is a secure and comprehensive e-learning support tool.

7. Web conference system BigBlueButton to support online learning.

8. After logging in to the university Internet network, students access the database ORBIS EUROPE containing approximately 110 million company reports. In addition to financial statements, it also provides access to patents and data on mergers and acquisitions.

b) - Characteristics of the study programme information management (access to study literature according to Course information sheets, access to information databases and other information sources, information technologies, etc.).

"The Library of J. Selye University provides access to the study literature for the study programme, and that at least in the form of the availability of compulsory literature listed in the course information sheets. Library website:

 a) Library Information System DAWINCI is a modern library information system that provides access to individual library collections via the OPAC OnLine catalogue through a web interface. The readers are registered through their student/employee cards.                                                                                                

b) 4. Access to electronic databases – Under the auspices of CVTI SR, selected database collections of electronic information sources are accessible. Students and teachers have access to the necessary databases by remote access via CVTI SR. This system also provides access to foreign scientific journals available in the online databases of individual publishers.                                                                                          

c) After logging in to the university Internet network, students access the database ORBIS EUROPE containing approximately 110 million company reports. In addition to financial statements, it also provides access to patents and data on mergers and acquisitions.

c) - Characteristics and extent of distance education applied in the study programme with the assignment to courses. Access, manuals of e-learning portals. Procedures for the transition from contact teaching to distance learning.

Access at the University is secured by a personal identification system that provides user access to individual information systems and electronic services based on uniformly determined login data (login name and password). This solution also includes an identification card, which is a contactless smart card (student card and employee card). These cards are also used in the printing system, in the catering system and also allow access to rooms secured with an access control system.

For the needs of distance or combined learning, the university also operates four servers with the BigBlueButton videoconferencing system. FEI UJS uses the following servers, platforms and tools for the above-mentioned activities: - access also without authorization (without login and password) - access only after authorization (only with login name and password)

An alternative tool for distance learning is the MS Teams platform, as a part of Office 365, which is available to all teachers and students.

Back in 2015, an e-learning system based on the open-source LMS Moodle was created and put into operation at J. Selye University. This system was partially integrated with WeBWorK in 2017 and upgraded to a newer version in 2021. The e-learning system is managed by the Information Services Centre of J. Selye University: (

The e-learning system is available at:

In addition to the hard wired connectivity available in the dormitory, library and in other selected locations, students in all university buildings have access to the internet via a WiFi network. To connect to the network authentication (login and password) is required. A central printing system was introduced in 2016 and is also available to students. Students can add credit to their accounts at the university's cash desk

d) - Institution partners in providing educational activities for the study programme and the characteristics of their participation.

Not relevant in the case of this study programme.

e) - Characteristics of the possibilities for social, sports, cultural, spiritual and social activities.

J. Selye University also provides its students with a stimulating environment during their studies. J. Selye University effectively manages and operates its dormitories, where it provides comfortable accommodation for students, with ideal conditions for quality living with adequate hygiene standards and safety. The campus includes a multifunctional playground enabling students to spend their leisure time well and to play sports.

The university also provides students with catering services in the building of the Conference Centre. In the Sports Centre of the University, students have the opportunity to play sports and to do other leisure activities.

The University also aims to provide opportunities for cultural, social and spiritual activities. Students have the opportunity to visit the chapel set up in the dormitory Čajka.

f) - Possibilities and conditions for participation of the study programme students in mobilities and internships (indicating contact details), application instructions, rules for recognition of this education.

J. Selye University offers its students foreign study mobility opportunities within the Erasmus+, the Makovecz, and the CEEPUS mobility programmes, as well as various internships offered by the Balassi Institution (Mobility Grants of the Ministry of Human Resources of Hungary).

Currently, J. Selye University has 118 concluded bilateral agreements, memoranda and inter-institutional agreements with 63 partner institutions in 15 European countries as well as inter-institutional agreements in partner countries outside the EU within the KA107 activity.

The Department for International Relations in cooperation with the university's faculties regularly organise Erasmus+ information days and workshops, and offer the opportunity for personal or online consultation. Promotional materials, leaflets and brochures are distributed to all students. At the same time, the Department for International Relations at J. Selye University regularly publishes information about its activities on the Erasmus+ university website and regularly send information on mobility opportunities to all students, teachers and staff via the university's information systems. Foreign-language support is provided to students through the Erasmus+ On-line Linguistic Support (OLS) tool.

Partner institutions

Student mobility for the purposes of studying - Erasmus+:

Student mobility for the purposes of traineeships:

Instructions for students on how to apply:

Coordinators' contacts:

Makovecz Programme

Other mobility programmes:

9. - Required abilities and admission requirements for the study programme applicants
a) - Required abilities and necessary admission requirements.

The required abilities and prerequisites for admission to the study programme can be found in the admission requirements published at:

The PhD programme in Business Economics and Management is aimed at educating young scientists in new socially dynamic and digital environments. Therefore, empathy and social responsibility are significantly promoted among students in the course of their studies. Similarly, interdisciplinarity and a debate on scientific problems while taking into account differences in professional background, as well as in worldviews and cultures, is also considered as a matter of course. 

For the above reasons, admission interviews are open not only to graduates of the faculties of economics and management, but also to graduates of other social science disciplines. In addition, the curriculum of the field of study also predisposes graduates from various technical (e.g. Computer Science) or natural science (Physics, Mathematics) disciplines for successful graduation.

Successful completion of the admission procedure is a prerequisite for admission. Applicants choose one of the listed dissertation topics and they elaborate a project containing an essay on the given topic. Here, applicants need to demonstrate their strengths and the uniqueness of their approach that predisposes them for admission to the programme.

The committee considers several prerequisites for admission. These include:

(i.) knowledge of mathematics at the level of a graduate from master's studies of economics, with an emphasis on the ability to apply that knowledge

(ii.) a basic knowledge of working with data

(iii.) English language skills with the ability to read and listen to scientific texts

(iv.) ability to think algorithmically, with knowledge in any scripting (programming) language being welcomed

(v.) originality of the submitted project's design

(vi.) social responsibility and empathy (as demonstrated by volunteer activities or other acts of social responsibility).

Meeting the above prerequisites is not a prerequisite for admission. The Admission Committee evaluates the project and the personal discussion with the applicant comprehensively and will rank the applicants with a recommendation for admission. The final admission decision is made by the Dean based on the committee's recommendation.

b) - Admission procedures.


Rector's Directive No. 3/2021 on the admission procedure for doctoral studies at J. Selye University (Rector's Directive No. 3/2021 on the admission procedure for doctoral studies at J. Selye University)"

c) - Results of the admission process over the last period.

Academic year programme number of applications Accepted Not accepted for full-time enrolled as of 31.10.

2021/2022 EMPdd 9 3 6 3

2020/2021 EMPdd 8 5 3 5

2019/2020 EMPdd 6 3 3 3 3

2018/2019 EMPdd 5 3 2 3

2017/2018 EMPdd 5 4 1 4

2016/2017 EMPdd 11 7 4 8

10. - Feedback on the quality of provided education
a) - Procedures for monitoring and evaluating students' opinions on the study programme quality.

The Faculty of Economics and Informatics at J. Selye University has developed and implemented an internal system for the quality assurance of education at the faculty level in accordance with the regulations of the university. The priority objective of the above system is to guarantee, monitor and develop the quality of education from the overall perspective at the faculty.

Pursuant to Section 70(1)(h) of Act No 131/2002 Coll. on Higher Education and on Amendments and Additions to Certain Regulations, students have the right to express their opinion on the quality of teaching and teachers at least once a year in the form of an anonymous questionnaire survey. Students of the faculty have the opportunity to participate in an anonymous questionnaire survey focused on the evaluation of teaching (each subject that the student had in the enrolment list in a given semester) and teachers at the end of each semester (i.e. twice a year). The anonymous questionnaire is available for students in the academic information system of the university.

b) - Results of student feedback and related measures to improve the study programme quality.

After the survey is closed, the results are automatically evaluated by the system. The evaluation of the results is carried out at different levels:

- Teacher level - feedback regarding the courses taught

- Head of Department level - feedback regarding all courses provided by the department

- The level of the Vice Dean for Education and Social Affairs and the level of the Dean - feedback for all courses provided by the Faculty. Free-text comments will only appear after approval by the Vice Dean.

- Quality Assurance Council of FEI UJS - they discuss the results of the surveys once a year

- Academic Senate of FEI UJS - they discuss the results as part of the Annual Report of FEI UJS

- Scientific Council of FEI UJS - they discuss the Annual Report on the Quality Assurance of Education at FEI UJS

- Specialist Committee on Doctoral Studies in the Business Economics and Management Programme -

Measures related to the results are implemented at individual levels.

c) - Results of graduate feedback and related measures to improve the study programme quality.

The Career Counselling Centre of J. Selye University publishes the results of surveys conducted among employers on the following website:

In addition to requesting expert opinions from employers and having employer representatives in the Quality Assurance Council of the Faculty of Economics and Informatics at J. Selye University, there are plans to involve further stakeholders, employers, or graduates of the study programme to a new body called "Council of the Study Programme". The permanent members of the council will be the person in charge of the study programme, the person in charge of the profile courses of the study programme, students, graduates and employers and other stakeholders. The council is being set up at the moment and it will periodically evaluate the state and the quality of the study programme.

11. - References to other relevant internal regulations and information concerning the study or the study programme student
(e.g study guide, accommodation regulations, fee directive, guidelines for student loans, etc.).

Scholarship Regulations of J. Selye University, Supplement No. 1 to the Scholarship Regulations of J. Selye University, Supplement No. 2 to the Scholarship Regulations of J. Selye University

AIS - UJS - Legislation - Internal Regulations: 2018-2, 2018-9, 2020-6

Directive No. 5/2013 on Student Research and Professional Activities at J. Selye University, Supplement No. 1 to the Directive on Student Research and Professional Activities at J. Selye University,%20vr%C3%A1t.%20dodatku%20%C4%8D.%201.pdf

AIS - UJS - Legislation - Internal Acts of Administration: 2021-5, 2021-4

Directive of the Rector of UJS No. 10/2010 on the principles of lending laptops to students (as amended by Appendix No. 1)

AIS - UJS - Legislation - Internal Acts of Administration: 2011-7

Rector's Directive No. 1/2021 Tuition fees and fees associated with studies at J. Selye University for the academic year 2021/2022

AIS - UJS - Legislation - Internal Acts of Administration: 2021-6

Directive No. 9/2020 issuing the Dormitory and Accommodation Rules at the dormitories of J. Selye University, Directive No. 11/2020 issuing Supplement No. 1 to the Dormitory and Accommodation Rules at the dormitories of J. Selye University

AIS - UJS - Legislation - Internal Acts of Administration: 2020-29, 2020-43

Graduation Regulations of J. Selye University

AIS - UJS - Legislation - Internal regulations: 2015-5

Directive No. 8/2016 On the issuance of documents of graduation at J. Selye University,

AIS - UJS - Legislation - Internal Management Acts: 2016-10

Rector's Directive No. 1/2014 Library and Borrowing Regulations of the University Library of J. Selye University, Supplement No. 1 to Rector's Directive No. 1/2014 Library and Borrowing Regulations of the University Library of J. Selye University, Supplement No. 2 to Rector's Directive No. 1/2014 Library and Borrowing Regulations of the University Library of J. Selye University

AIS - UJS - Legislation - Internal Acts of Administration: 2014-2, 2016-18, 2016-24

Statutes of the Student Government,

AIS - UJS - Legislation - Internal Acts of Administration: 2010-8

Rector's Directive No. 3/2014 on the organisation of foreign mobility of students, teachers and staff in the framework of the Erasmus+ programme at J. Selye University - Full text

AIS - UJS - Legislation - Internal acts of management: 2021-16

Directive No. 7/2016 on students with special needs and on the competence of their university coordinator

AIS - UJS - Legislation - Internal Acts of Governance: 2016-9

Directive No. 6/2016 on free access to information

AIS - UJS - Legislation - Internal Acts of Administration: 2016-8