Subprogramme, part of study programme KAm22 - Teaching of catechesis
Grade of study - II. - second level, study form - full time, study type - Teacher preparation programme
Document type: Description of the study programme
The name of the university J. Selye University
The seat of the university Bratislavská cesta 3322, 94501 Komárno
The name of the faculty Faculty of Education
The seat of the faculty Bratislavská cesta 3322, 945 01 Komárno
Institution body for approving the study programme:
Council of the Quality Assurance System of Education at UJS
Date of the study programme approval or the study programme modification:
Date of the latest change in the study programme description:
1. - Basic information about the study programme
a) - Name of the study program and its number according to the register of study programmes.
Catechetics teacher training programme (in combination), 100103
b) - Degree of higher education and ISCED-F education degree code.
II. Degree, ISCED-F 0114
d) - Name and number of the field of study in which higher education is obtained by completing the study programme, or a combination of two fields of study in which higher education is obtained by completing the study programme, ISCED-F codes of the field/fields.
38 Teaching and Educational Sciences
e) - Type of the study programme: academically oriented, professionally oriented; translation, translation combination study programme (listing the specializations); teaching, teaching combination study programme (listing the specializations); artistic, engineering, doctoral, preparation for regulated profession, joint study programme, interdisciplinary studies.
Teacher's Combination Degree Programme. Teaching Catechetics in Combined English Language and Literature, Teacher of Catechetics in Combined Biology, Teacher of Catechetics in Combined History, Teacher of Catechetics in Combined Chemistry, Teacher of Catechetics in Combined Informatics, Teacher of Catechetics in the Combination of Hungarian Language and Literature, Teacher of Catechetics in Combined Mathematics, Teacher of catechetics in the combination of German language and literature, Teacher of catechetics in the combination of Slovak language and literature.
f) - Awarded academic degree before the name
g) - Form of study.
full time
h) - In the case of joint study programmes, cooperating institutions and the range of study obligations the student fulfills at each of the given institutions (§ 54a of the Act on Higher Education Institutions).

Not relevant.

i) - Language or languages in which the study programme is delivered.
Hungarian Language, Slovak Language
j) - Standard length of the study expressed in academic years.
2 years
k) - Capacity of the study programme (planned number of students), the actual number of applicants and students.
Planned 20 students in a year.
2. - Graduate profile and learning objectives
a) - The institution defines the learning objectives of the study programme such as student's abilities at the time of completion of the programme and the main learning outcomes.

Graduates possess a systematic, coherent and comprehensive body of knowledge in the field of educational science, theory and practice, including broader philosophical, socio-cultural, historical-social and pedagogical-psychological contexts.

Graduates of the program will have knowledge of pedagogy, psychology, philosophy, and selected theological disciplines, especially biblical studies, fundamental theology, and catechesis. Graduates will gain an overview of the teaching process and pedagogical documents in elementary and secondary schools. The acquired knowledge enables the graduate to undertake preparation for teaching. They know the theory of religious education methodology, working methods and procedures that can be applied in the teaching and learning process. They know the influence of working methods of religious education on the personal and spiritual development of pupils.

Graduates will be able to prepare a written preparation, time-thematic plan for teaching based on the curriculum and standards.They will be able to consciously organize religious education, apply methodological practices in different ways in the context of religious education. They will be able to apply a methodological procedure appropriate for a given age group or work task to a given situation and method. They will be able to analyse working methods and critically evaluate their effectiveness.

Graduates will continually strive to improve their methodological culture. They will be sensitive to the impact of their practices on the personal and spiritual development of their students, taking care to protect the personal rights and dignity of their students. Work independently and take responsibility for the application of methodological practices. They will be authentic examples in their human conduct (in demonstrating their own faith and spiritual approach). They will be responsible for managing the work of their teams.Graduates will be competent to formulate scientific problems independently, to think relationally-analytically about a defined problem. They will be able to master pedagogical work in the context of the diversity of the educated population. They will have extensive knowledge of the differences in the development of individuals resulting from the health or social disadvantages of pupils.

The training will enable graduates to receive an education that is fully compatible with similar fields of study around the world, so that their skills and competences will be suitable for eventual employment in these fields and in EU countries or in other parts of the world. Thanks to a well-rounded education, graduates will be well prepared. 

b) - The institution indicates the professions for which the graduate is prepared at the time of completion and the potential of the study programme from the point of view of graduate's employability.

A graduate of the combined catechetics teacher education programme may find employment as a catechetics teacher. He/she can also find employment as a teacher of regional education within the meaning of Act 138/2019 Coll. on pedagogical employees and professional employees 

Graduates of the study programme, when assessing their employability on the labour market, will fall into the category "011 Education" according to the International Standard Classification of Education: Fields of Education and Training 2013

c) - Relevant external stakeholders who have provided the statement or a favorable opinion on the compliance of the acquired qualification with the sector-specific requirements for the profession.

Reformed Christian Church in Slovakia - Mgr. Róbert Géresi, Bishop 

3. - Employability
a) - Evaluation of the study programme graduates employability.

Graduates of the combined degree in catechetics (II. degree) find employment as a teacher of religious education at home and abroad.

Information on the employability of graduates of UJS study programmes is monitored by the UJS Career Counselling Centre.

The survey conducted in 2021 was attended by 342 graduates, including 6 graduates of the study programme of catechetics teaching (combined degree II).

Respondents received their diploma between 2018 and 2021.

No one has continued their studies at level III, 67% of them are employed, 33% are on maternity leave. 

67% of employed respondents found employment in their field of graduation, 17% of employed respondents found employment in a related field, 17% of employed respondents found employment in a completely different field.

75% of those employed in the field belong to the occupational group "Teachers in primary schools", 25% to the occupational group "Teachers for children with special needs".

50% of those employed in the field teach one endorsement and 50% teach subjects unrelated to the original endorsement.

b) - If applicable, indicate the successful graduates of the study programme.

Mgr. Tímea Czinke, PhD. - József Kováts Primary School with Hungarian as the language of instruction - Bátorové Kosihy

Mgr. Olívia Horváth Csery - Jászai Mari Általános Iskola - Monor (Hungary)

The employer provided positive references for their work.

c) - Evaluation of the study programme quality by employers (feedback).

Feedback with a focus on examining the quality of the Combined Catechetics Teacher Education programme is carried out on an ongoing basis by the teachers delivering the SP. It is carried out in an individual form during working visits of catechetics teachers and on the basis of structured interviews between catechetics teachers, management of primary and secondary schools, staff of MPC and training schools and teachers of the Department of Catechetics of the PF UJS focusing on the quality of the curriculum composition and the quality of the profiling components of the graduates. The information obtained is evaluated during the working sessions of the Department of Catechetics by its members.

We have also asked the employers of our graduates to evaluate the quality of the submitted Combined Studies in Catechetics.

Information on employers' satisfaction with UJS graduates is also monitored by the UJS Career Counselling Centre. 

4. - Structure and content of the study programme
a) - The institution describes the rules for the design of study plans within the study programme.

The study of the study programme consists of a study part and a pedagogical part.

The study programme Catechetics in Combination is an organic part of the field of study Teaching and Educational Sciences. It is intended to provide the theological and catechetical education necessary for catechetical teachers in the field of educational theory and practice. 

The specific forms of instruction, its criteria and required objectives are detailed for each course in the submitted program of study, which is also provided in the course information sheet.

In order to fulfil the requirements of the study programme or to complete it and obtain the minimum number of credits required, the student of the study programme creates his/her own study plan.

b) - The institution compiles the recommended study plans for individual study paths.

After the alignment of the Combined Degree in Catechetical Teaching (Degree II.) with the adjustment, newly admitted students will enter the aligned degree programme at the beginning of the next academic year and will study according to the courses and rules after the adjustment, while second-year students will continue to study the aligned degree programme according to the original recommended curriculum and courses to which they have been admitted.

The curriculum is available in the UJS Academic Information System. 

c) - The study plan generally states:

The student takes compulsory subjects, chooses subjects from among compulsory electives and elective subjects. The student completes state subjects: 

Courses Didactics of Catechetics 1-2.: Catechetics

Courses in Biblical Studies 1-2: Old Testament, New Testament, Dogmatics, Ethics

The profile subjects are: Didactics of Catechetics 1, Biblical Sciences 1, Didactics of Catechetics 2, Biblical Sciences 2, Catechetics, Perspectives on the Study of Catechetics

The information sheets of all the educational units/subjects clearly describe the requirements for their completion as well as the learning outcomes (detailed characterization of the outcomes of knowledge, skills, attitudes and autonomy) that the graduate will acquire after completing the educational unit/subject.

The continuity of the individual profile subjects:

Didactics of Catechetics 1 - Didactics of Catechetics 2 - Catechetics: the aim of the courses is to provide graduates with a comprehensive understanding of the facts, directions and boundaries of the field of study. They will learn about the most important contexts and theories related to the field.

Biblical Studies 1 - Biblical Studies 2 - Perspectives on the Study of Catechetics: The goal of the courses is to provide students with an understanding of the interrelationship between Christian faith and Christian practice and the translation of biblical truths into practice.

Didactics of Catechesis 1 - Didactics of Catechesis 2 - Catechetics:Graduates will be able to identify professional problems, examine and formulate the theoretical and practical background necessary to address them, and then solve them. The course also aims to enable graduates to carry out their work independently, with critical evaluation and ongoing correction of their work.

The prerequisites for the state examination subjects are the profile subjects and the completion of the compulsory educational parts/courses of the study programme.

The information sheets of all educational parts/subjects clearly declare the educational activity by which PF UJS ensures the achievement of the expected educational outcomes.

In most cases of educational parts/subjects the educational activity - lecture or seminar is preferred, however, due to the current epidemiological situation we consider it necessary and natural to carry out the given activities also in the form of online activities.

In the information sheets of all educational units/subjects, the educational methods are clearly declared as 'face-to-face'. 

The curricula in the information sheets of all educational units/subjects are mostly delivered in the form of lectures or seminars.

In preparing the educational parts/subjects of the submitted study programme, we have taken into account the workload of the students, in accordance with ECTS, depending on the credits allocated and the time scale in which the education will take place.

In the case of educational parts/subjects with higher credits, where the hourly allocation of full-time teaching was not in accordance with the student's workload, learning tasks, assignments, outputs are declared, which are solved by the student through guided self-study under the guidance of the teacher, and subsequent demonstration of knowledge or skills, which have been predetermined in the formulation of the assignments.

prof. ThDr. István Karasszon, PhD.,

doc. ThDr. Alfréd Somogyi, PhD.,

doc. ThDr. Attila Lévai, PhD.,

The responsible teachers are listed in the information sheets of the educational units/subjects.

prof. ThDr. István Karasszon, PhD.

doc. ThDr. Alfréd Somogyi, PhD.

doc. ThDr. Attila Lévai, PhD.

d) - The institution states the number of credits, the achievement of which is a condition for proper completion of studies and other requirements that the student must meet within the study programme and for its proper completion, including the requirements for state examinations, rules for re-study and rules for the extension, interruption of study.
The student is obliged to obtain the necessary number of credits in the study programme, the distribution and total number of which is determined by the study programme. The standard student workload for the entire academic year is determined by the Study Regulations, Article 3, paragraphs 6 and 7. "The standard student workload for a full academic year of full-time and part-time study shall be 60 credits, per semester 30 credits. The standard student workload for a full academic year in part-time study shall be a maximum of 48 credits." The standard length of the second cycle of studies shall be determined by the Study Regulations, Article 6(2). "The standard length of study for a second cycle programme of study, including professional practice, shall be (a) in the full-time form of study, at least one and at most three academic years, (b) in the part-time form of study, not less than two and not more than four academic years. The number of credits to be achieved as a condition for the proper completion of studies for a second-degree programme of study of the standard length shall be at least 60 credits." All other conditions that a student must fulfil in the course of the study programme and for its proper completion, including the conditions of the state examinations, the rules for repeating the study programme and the rules for extending or interrupting the study programme, are set out in the study regulations, which can be found at the following link:,%20%c3%ba%c4%8dinn%c3%bd%201.%209.%202022.pdf
e) - For individual study plans, the institution states the requirements for completing the individual parts of the study programme and the student's progress within the study programme in the given structure:

For compulsory courses the student receives 80 credits. Of these, 72 credits are for contact teaching courses and teaching practice (27 credits from the first approbation, 27 credits from the second approbation, and 12 credits from the teaching basis); in addition, the student must pass a state examination for 8 credits (3 credits from the first approbation, 3 credits from the second approbation, and 2 credits from the teaching basis).

There may be a difference of 1-2 extra credits in the individual endorsements or at the expense of the compulsory courses, but these are compensated by the offer of compulsory electives. The sum of credits for compulsory and optional subjects remains constant: 117 credits

For compulsory electives, the student receives 37 credits. Of these, 29 credits are for contact courses and teaching practice (13 credits from the first approbation - from which the student writes the final thesis, 9 credits from the second approbation and 7 credits from the teaching foundation), in addition to which the student is obliged to complete a thesis defence from one approbation for 8 credits.

Optional courses are taken as part of the teaching foundation from the faculty-wide offer of optional courses for a minimum of 3 credits per master's degree.  

120 credits are required for graduation, of which 54 credits from one approbation (from which the student writes the thesis), 42 credits from the second approbation and 24 credits from the teacher's foundation.  

The student receives 12 credits for the final thesis and the thesis defence (of which 4 credits for the thesis work in the Diploma Seminar course, and 8 credits for the thesis defence).  

The student receives 12 credits for teaching practice (6 credits in one approbation, and 6 credits in the other approbation).

Not relevant.

Not relevant.

f) - The institution describes the rules for verification of learning outcomes, students assessment and the possibilities of appealing against the assessment.

The rules, criteria and methods of assessment are transparent, communicated to teachers in advance, listed in the individual subject information sheets. The conditions for completion of the courses clearly declare the student's study and other obligations during the achievement of the learning objectives, the form of fulfilling the study obligations and the criteria for the evaluation of the sub-outcomes, products. Student assessment results are recorded, documented and archived. The rules and procedures of the assessment process are declared in the UJS Study Regulations (full text with amendments).

During the course of the class, students receive feedback from the teacher and space to correct errors, as well as guidance to eliminate them and achieve the stated goal. Students have the opportunity to learn their own assessment on an ongoing formative basis in consultation with the teacher and summative through AIS or the Moodle platform.  

Students have the opportunity to take advantage of tutor tutorials during each semester of study. Students have access to tutor tutorials where examples of good practice show that students use tutorials to progress and achieve better results.

In the event of failure to meet the learning requirements, students have access to a minimum of one ordinary and two remedial terms, and have the option of sitting a board examination taken within three terms. The aforementioned regulations are declared in the UJS Study Regulations, as well as other procedures and rules related to credits, their accumulation and transfer. The administrative control of studies in the academic information system is carried out by the Study Department according to the procedures described in the UJS Study Regulations.

g) - Conditions for recognition of studies or a part of studies.

The UJS Study Regulations clearly describe the procedures and rules for the acquisition of credits, their accumulation and transfer, which is in line with the European Credit Transfer System. Similarly, the rules and procedures for the recognition of the completion of courses at another university are defined.

h) - The institution states the topics of final theses of the study programme (or a link to the list).


The importance and impact of love languages in religious education

The use of extra-biblical materials in religious education

Purposeful use of biblical board games in religious education


Issues of creation and evolutionary theory in catechetics

Digital tools and e-learning in religious education


Alternative methods in catechetics

Teaching the Lord's Prayer in catechesis

Teaching about the sacraments in catechesis

Topics from previous years can be generated from the AIS UJS.

i) - The institution describes or refers to:

Rules and procedures for assigning, processing, opposing, defending and evaluating theses are declared and formulated in the UJS Study Regulations (full version with amendments), available from AIS UJS Documents/UJS-Legislation/Internal Regulations, 2018, issue 8.

Study/research placement, which declare the support of both domestic and international student mobility. The UJS Study Regulations clearly describe the procedures and rules for the acquisition of credits, their accumulation and transfer, which is in line with the European Credit Transfer System. Similarly, the rules and procedures for the recognition of the completion of courses at another university are defined. 

In order to increase the share of participants in Erasmus+ mobility, the Department for International Relations in cooperation with the faculties of UJS regularly organises Erasmus+ information days and workshops, and offers the possibility of personal or online consultation. Promotional materials are distributed to UJS students and information is regularly published through the University's information tools.

The rules and procedures are formulated in the Rector's Directive No. 3/2014 on the organisation of Erasmus+ international mobility of students, teachers and staff at UJS, available from AIS UJS Documents/UJS-Legislation/Internal Acts of Management, 2018, issue 10).

The College applies rules and tools in the study programme to ensure research integrity and to prevent plagiarism and other academic fraud. According to the UJS Statutes, plagiarism is considered an offence and is subject to disciplinary proceedings. The College identifies violations of research integrity, plagiarism and academic fraud and implements measures to ensure that violations of these rules are not incompatible with the award of an academic degree. The rules and procedures are described in the PF UJS Statute (2018), available from AIS UJS Documents/UJS-Legislation/Internal Regulations, 2020, number 3), the UJS Code of Ethics available from AIS UJS Documents/UJS-Legislation/Internal Regulations, 2013, number 11) and the Disciplinary Regulations for Students (available from AIS UJS Documents/UJS-Legislation/Internal Regulations).

In line with the current trend, the University systematically seeks out and reaches out to students with specific needs and registers an observable increase in these students. Students with specific needs are eligible for support services according to their specific needs. The rules and procedures are described in the Rector's Directive No. 7/2016 on Students with Specific Needs and the Responsibilities of the UJS Coordinator for Students with Specific Needs, available from AIS UJS Documents/UJS-Legislation/Internal Acts of Governance, 2016, Issue 9). 

According to the UJS Statute, a student becomes a member of the academic community by enrolling to study one of the study programmes conducted by UJS or its faculty. As a member of the academic community on the basis of the UJS Statute, he/she has the right to address suggestions, comments and complaints to the academic self-government bodies - the procedures and rules of which are defined in their legislative documents. Students of the study programme have effective mechanisms for reviewing complaints seeking protection of their rights or legally protected interests, which they believe have been violated, or pointing out specific deficiencies in the activities or inaction of the university. The examination of complaints shall be transparent and shall be carried out with the participation of student representatives. Feedback shall be provided to the complainants on the outcome of the review and on the action taken

5. - Course information sheets of the study programme
In the structure according to Decree no. 614/2002 Coll.

The information sheets of the educational parts/subjects of the submitted study programme have been processed into the structure according to Annex 1 to the Decree of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Slovak Republic No. 155/2013 Coll., which amends the Decree of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Slovak Republic No. 614/2002 Coll. on the credit system of study.

6. - Current academic year plan and current schedule
(or hyperlink).


Schedules for individual study sub-programmes can be generated from AIS UJS.

7. - Persons responsible for the study programme
a) - A person responsible for the delivery, development, and quality of the study programme (indicating the position and contact details).

prof. ThDr. István Karasszon, PhD., Professor,

b) - List of persons responsible for the profile courses of the study programme with the assignment to the course and provided with a link to the central Register of university staff and with contact details (they may also be listed in the study plan).

Mgr. Zsolt Görözdi, Th.D.,,

Didactics of Catechetics 1

Didactics of Catechetics 2


prof. ThDr. István Karasszon, PhD.,,

Biblical Sciences 1

Biblical Sciences 2

Dr. Habil. Viktor Kókai Nagy, PhD.,,

Biblical Sciences 1

Biblical Sciences 2

Prof. István Pásztori-Kupán, PhD.,,

Biblical Sciences 1

Perspectives on Catechetics Education

Mgr. Katarína Pólya, PhD.,,

Biblical Studies 2

Perspectives on Catechetics Education

ThDr. Lilla Szénási, PhD.,,

Didactics of Catechetics 1

Didactics of Catechetics 2


c) - Reference to the research/art/teacher profiles of persons responsible for the profile courses of the study programme.

It is accessible in the Academic Information System.

d) - List of teachers of the study programme with the assignment to the course and provided with a link to the central Register of university staff and with contact details (may be a part of the study plan).

Mgr. Zsolt Görözdi, Th.D.,,

Didactics of Catechetics 1

Didactics of Catechetics 2

Master's Thesis Seminar


Practical Teaching Seminar 1

Practical Teaching Seminar 2

prof. ThDr. István Karasszon, PhD.,,

Biblical Studies 1

Biblical Studies 2

Master's Thesis Seminar

Dr. Habil. Viktor Kókai Nagy, PhD.,,

Biblical Sciences 1

Biblical Sciences 2

Master's Thesis Seminar

Prof. István Pásztori-Kupán, PhD.,,

Biblical Sciences 1

Master's Thesis Seminar

Perspectives on Catechetics Education

Seminar of Dogmatics

Mgr. Katarína Pólya, PhD.,,

Biblical Sciences 2

Master's Thesis Seminar

Perspectives on Catechetics Education

Seminar of Ethics

ThDr. Lilla Szénási, PhD,,

Didactics of Catechetics 1

Didactics of Catechetics 2

Master's Thesis seminar


Pedagogical Practice IV.

Pedagogical Practice V.

Pedagogical Practice VI.

Seminar of Catechetical Didactics

Seminar of Practical Teaching 1

Seminar of Practical Teaching 2

Seminar of Practical Teaching 3

e) - List of the supervisors of final theses with the assignment to topics (indicating the contact details).

Not relevant.

f) - Reference to the research/art/teacher profiles of the supervisors of final theses.

It is accessible in the Academic Information System of UJS.

g) - Student representatives representing the interests of students of the study programme (name and contact details).

Dávid Kovacsics,

i) - Other supporting staff of the study programme – assigned study officer, career counselor, administration, accommodation department, etc. (with contact details).

Study officer: Zsuzsanna Farkas,

Career Counsellor: Mgr. Mgr. Norbert Istvánik,

Accommodation Officer: Mgr. Attila Duba, 

8. - Spatial, material, and technical provision of the study programme and support
a) - List and characteristics of the study programme classrooms and their technical equipment with the assignment to learning outcomes and courses (laboratories, design and art studios, studios, workshops, interpreting booths, clinics, priest seminaries, science and technology parks, technology incubators, school enterprises, practice centers, training schools, classroom-training facilities, sports halls, swimming pools, sports grounds).
b) - Characteristics of the study programme information management (access to study literature according to Course information sheets, access to information databases and other information sources, information technologies, etc.).

The library provides access to the study literature for the study programme, at least in the scope of the compulsory literature listed in the course information sheets. At present, UJS University of Applied Sciences has more than 12 206 titles related to pedagogy, didactics and psychology of the submitted study programme and 2943 related to the field of study. The university library uses the library information system DAWINCI, which is a modern library and information system integrating the latest elements from the field of server applications, database systems, document management and, in conjunction with the knowledge and experience of libraries, translates them into a comprehensive multimedia library and information system. The system provides users with access to individual library collections through the OPAC on-line catalogue via the website. The UJS University Library, similarly to other university libraries, is included in the central register of publication activity registration for the needs of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Slovak Republic. Access of students and lecturers to the necessary databases is also solved by remote access via CVTI SR. Access to foreign scientific journals available in the online databases of individual publishers is also provided through this access. The University Library organises workshops that support orientation in publishing databases and work with literary sources.

Students also have access to the library of the J. Calvin Theological Academy, which contains 35,000 theological textbooks. The library uses the Szirén library information system.

c) - Characteristics and extent of distance education applied in the study programme with the assignment to courses. Access, manuals of e-learning portals. Procedures for the transition from contact teaching to distance learning.

For the needs of distance education or combined education, the university has 4 servers with the BigBlueButton videoconferencing system in operation. An alternative tool for distance learning is the MS Teams platform, as part of the Office 365 A1 for faculty package, which is available to all teachers and students. Back in 2015, an e-learning system based on the open-source LMS Moodle was created and put into operation at UJS. This system was partially integrated with the WeBWorK system in 2017. This comprehensive system was also operated in 2019. Moodle continues to offer the possibility of publishing study and support materials for individual subjects, the possibility of assigning homework and electronic testing of knowledge in an authorised zone. In addition, WeBWorK gives the possibility of automated generation, submission and evaluation of mathematical assignments. In addition to the wired connectivity available in the ND, UK and other selected locations, students in all UJS buildings have access to the Internet via a WiFi network. A person's authentication (login and password) is required to connect to the network. A central printing system was introduced in 2016 and is also available to students. Students are able to add credit to their accounts in the UJS cashier's office.  

d) - Institution partners in providing educational activities for the study programme and the characteristics of their participation.

In terms of providing educational activities on the study programme, the main partners are training schools, school facilities and training kindergartens, where the pedagogical practice of students of the Faculty of Education of UJS is carried out.

The Faculty of Pedagogy is contractually bound with more than thirty training schools in Slovakia. The training schools are not only in Komárno, but also in Dunajská Streda, Veľký Meder, Galanta, Nové Zámky, Rožňava, Kráľovský Chlmec, Bratislava, Šahy, Štúrovo, Veľké Kapušany, Kolárovo and Rimavská Sobota.

Within the pedagogical practice, students observe and analyse the educational process, learn to apply the theoretical knowledge acquired during the study of general-educational subjects, general and branch didactics and gradually acquire the pedagogical skills necessary for the performance of the teaching profession.

e) - Characteristics of the possibilities for social, sports, cultural, spiritual and social activities.

UJS also provides a stimulating environment for its students during their studies. The UJS manages and runs dormitories efficiently, providing comfortable accommodation for students, with good hygiene and safety standards and quality living conditions. The UJS campus has a multi-purpose playground, which allows students to spend their free time playing sports and enjoying their leisure time.

UJS also provides meals for students in the Conference Centre building. The University Sports Centre offers students the opportunity to play sports and other leisure activities. 

The University also aims to provide opportunities for cultural, social and spiritual activities. Young talents find their calling in the Cantus Iuventus choir. Students have the opportunity to visit the chapel set up in the Seagull College.  

f) - Possibilities and conditions for participation of the study programme students in mobilities and internships (indicating contact details), application instructions, rules for recognition of this education.

UJS offers its students foreign study mobility within the Erasmus+, Makovecz, CEEPUS and various internships offered by the Balassi Institution (Mobility Grants of the Ministry of Human Resources of the Republic of Slovenia). 

Currently, UJS has 118 concluded bilateral agreements, memoranda and inter-institutional agreements with 63 partner institutions in 15 European countries as well as inter-institutional agreements in partner countries outside the EU within the KA107 activity. 

The Department for International Relations in cooperation with UJS faculties regularly organises Erasmus+ information days and workshops, and offers the possibility of personal or online consultation. Promotional materials, leaflets and brochures are distributed to UJS students. At the same time, the UJS Department for International Relations regularly publishes information about its activities on the Erasmus+ UJS website and mass mails information to UJS students, teachers and staff via the University's information tools. Linguistic support for students is provided through the Erasmus+ On-line Linguistic Support (OLS) tool.

Partner institutions


Mobility of students for the purpose of study:

Student mobility for the purpose of traineeship:

Instructions for students on how to apply:

Coordinators' contacts:

Makovecz Programme

Other mobility programmes

9. - Required abilities and admission requirements for the study programme applicants
a) - Required abilities and necessary admission requirements.

The basic prerequisite for admission to the study programme is the completion of the first cycle study programme in the same study programme, which is followed by the chosen master's study programme. The candidate should have a previous degree in the given or related study programme; in particular, a teaching combination study programme with the approbations of teaching catechetics combined with English language and literature, teaching catechetics combined with biology, teaching catechetics combined with history is expected, Teacher of Catechetics in Combination of Chemistry, Teacher of Catechetics in Combination of Informatics, Teacher of Catechetics in Combination of Hungarian Language and Literature, Teacher of Catechetics in Combination of Mathematics, Teacher of Catechetics in Combination of German Language and Literature, Teacher of Catechetics in Combination of Slovak Language and Literature. Knowledge of selected theological disciplines, especially biblical and catechetical studies, and a catechetical attitude are required. Candidates for the Master's degree programme do not take an entrance examination if they have applied for an identical programme of study. In the case of applicants - graduates of a related first degree study programme, the PF UJS Admissions Committee requires an entrance examination, the main purpose of which is to verify the applicant's professional competence to study in the chosen study programme. The entrance examination is oral, thematically focused on the field of catechetical teaching.

Further conditions of admission to study and the conditions of admission of foreign students are published on the faculty's website:

b) - Admission procedures.

Admission to study is decided by the Dean of the Faculty on the basis of the recommendation of the Admissions Committee in accordance with the conditions laid down for admission.

c) - Results of the admission process over the last period.

2 students have been admitted for the 2021/2022 school year.

2 students have been admitted for the 2020/2021 school year.

3 students admitted for the 2019/2020 school year.

2 students admitted for the 2018/2019 academic year.

10. - Feedback on the quality of provided education
a) - Procedures for monitoring and evaluating students' opinions on the study programme quality.

Among other things, the students had the opportunity to express their opinions and comments in the designated text field of the questionnaire. The questionnaire was made available to students in the summer semester from 30 May 2020 to 30 June 2020, in the winter semester from 15 December 2020 to 05 February 2021 and could only be completed during the defined period. Students entered the system and presented their opinions and observations under their identification number. In this way, it was ensured that each student could complete the survey only once, while the module implemented in AIS2 guaranteed the anonymity of the respondents. Only the questionnaire intended for the respondent was made available to the respondent. The questionnaire in electronic form served primarily to speed up the subsequent processing of the collected data. The obtained documents and the overall evaluation of the results were processed by the Dean's Office of the PF UJS and subsequently informed the individual departments. The conclusions of the evaluation were reflected in the teaching at PF UJS for the following period.

b) - Results of student feedback and related measures to improve the study programme quality.

The developed questionnaire consisted of three parts: part I - general part (1 question) part II - evaluation of the teaching process and subjects (2 questions for each enrolled subject) part III - general part - comments and suggestions. 

The questions in the first part were used to find out the general opinion of students about PF UJS. The level of teaching at PF UJS was found out (What is your opinion about the level of teaching at PF UJS?)

Students' responses to the question on the level of teaching at PF UJS show that students are generally satisfied with the level of teaching at PF UJS. The overall average of the level rating was 1.92 for the summer semester and 1.93 for the winter semester, which means that the level of teaching according to the students' evaluation at PF UJS is good. The number of respondents who commented on the question in the summer semester was 96 and in the winter semester was 201. 

The second part of the question was related to the overall level of lectures and exercises, the continuity of lectures and exercises as well as individual subjects, the balance and efficiency of the use of time in lectures, exercises or seminars, whether students are encouraged to be independent, creative, team and professional, the compliance of the teacher's behaviour with the university's code of ethics, the use of modern didactic technology and modern forms of teaching. The overall average of the evaluation of the level of individual subjects reached the value of 1.91 for the summer semester, 1.81 for the winter semester, which means that the level of subjects at UJS according to the students' evaluation is very good. The number of evaluating students for the summer semester was 94 and for the winter semester 208. The professional level of the lecturer was also evaluated. According to the results of the evaluation survey, the level of teaching at UJS based on the questions asked to the students is at a high level. According to the evaluation scale, the level of teaching at UJS was 1.86 for the summer semester and 1.82 for the winter semester, which implies a high level of approval from the students towards the teachers of the subjects. The number of responses for the summer semester was 92, for the winter semester 195. 

In the last, third part of the student survey using open evaluation, students could indicate their comments and suggestions for improvement of UJS activities in any area. When the questionnaires were evaluated, it was found that students expressed their suggestions and comments in the text evaluation in the third part of the general questions. The students would prefer less number of students in groups, more interactivity between lecturer and student. They would also like to see an increase in the time allocation for teaching practice, as well as a greater number of lessons using innovative teaching methods. The flexibility and the high level of quality of the teaching process are considered positive.

The results of the evaluation of the survey were presented at PF UJS. Information about the evaluations was provided to each teacher as well as to the head of the department and the dean of the faculty through the Academic Information System, as well as students' textual evaluations, suggestions and comments on individual subjects and teachers were made available. The purpose was for the lecturer to make the results of the students' evaluation more effective and efficiently reflected in the teaching, as well as to increase the quality and level of teaching at PF UJS in the next period.

c) - Results of graduate feedback and related measures to improve the study programme quality.

We also asked employers of our graduates as feedback. We received evaluations and opinions from 2 primary schools, namely József Kováts Primary School with Hungarian language of instruction - Bátorové Kosihy, Jászai Mari Általános Iskola - Monor (Hungary). Both employers provided positive references about the graduates. The employers are satisfied with the work of the graduates, their professionalism, skills and abilities for the job.

11. - References to other relevant internal regulations and information concerning the study or the study programme student
(e.g study guide, accommodation regulations, fee directive, guidelines for student loans, etc.).

UJS Scholarship Regulations available from AIS UJS Documents/UJS-Legislation/Internal Regulations, 2018, issue 2 

Rector's Directive 5/2013 on UJS Student Scientific Professional Activities, available from AIS UJS Documents/UJS-Legislation/Internal Acts of Governance, year 2021, number 5)

UJS Rector's Directive No. 10/2010 on the principles of lending laptops to students (as amended by Amendment No. 1), available from AIS UJS Documents/UJS-legislation/Internal acts of management, year 2011, number 7)

Rector's Directive No. 1/2021 Tuition fees and fees related to studies at J. Selye University for the academic year 2021/2022, available from AIS UJS Documents/UJS-Legislation/Internal Acts of Governance, year 2021, number 6.

Directive No. 9/2020 issuing the House and Accommodation Regulations of the UJS School of Education, available from AIS UJS Documents/UJS-Legislation/Internal Acts of Management, year 2020, number 29.

UJS Matriculation and Graduation Regulations (2015), available from AIS UJS Documents/UJS-Legislation/Internal Acts, year 2015, number 5. 

Directive No. 8/2016 On the issuance of documents of graduation at UJS, available from AIS UJS Documents/UJS-Legislation/Internal Acts of Management, year 2016, number 10. 

Rector's Directive No. 1/2014 Library and Lending Regulations, UJS University Library, available from AIS UJS Documents/UJS-Legislation/Internal Acts of Management, year 2014, number 2.

Statute of the Student Government, available from AIS UJS Documents/UJS-Legislation/Internal Acts of Governance, year 2010, number 8.

Rector's Directive No. 3/2014 on the organisation of foreign mobility of students, teachers and staff within the Erasmus+ programme at UJS, available from AIS UJS Documents/UJS-legislation/Internal acts of management, year 2018, number 10 

Rector's Directive No. 7/2016 on students with specific needs and on the competence of the UJS coordinator for students with specific needs, available from AIS UJS Documents/UJS-legislation/Internal acts of management, 2016, number 9

Rector's Directive No. 6/2016 on free access to information, available from AIS UJS Documents/UJS-Legislation/Internal Acts of Management, 2016, number 8