Study programme RTEdm22 - Reformed Theology
Study Grade of study - I.II. - joint the 1st and 2nd, study form - full time, study type - Single degree study
Document type: Description of the study programme
The name of the university J. Selye University
The seat of the university Bratislavská cesta 3322, 94501 Komárno
The name of the faculty Reformed Theological Faculty
The seat of the faculty Bratislavská cesta 3322, 945 01 Komárno
Institution body for approving the study programme:
Quality Assurance Council of University J. Selye
1. - Basic information about the study programme
a) - Name of the study program and its number according to the register of study programmes.
37. Theology
b) - Degree of higher education and ISCED-F education degree code.
I-II., 17121
c) - Place(s) of delivery of the study programme.
d) - Name and number of the field of study in which higher education is obtained by completing the study programme, or a combination of two fields of study in which higher education is obtained by completing the study programme, ISCED-F codes of the field/fields.
Teológia 37, 17121
e) - Type of the study programme: academically oriented, professionally oriented; translation, translation combination study programme (listing the specializations); teaching, teaching combination study programme (listing the specializations); artistic, engineering, doctoral, preparation for regulated profession, joint study programme, interdisciplinary studies.
academically oriented
f) - Awarded academic degree before the name
g) - Form of study.
full time
h) - In the case of joint study programmes, cooperating institutions and the range of study obligations the student fulfills at each of the given institutions (§ 54a of the Act on Higher Education Institutions).


i) - Language or languages in which the study programme is delivered.
Hungarian and slovak
j) - Standard length of the study expressed in academic years.
k) - Capacity of the study programme (planned number of students), the actual number of applicants and students.
Planned number: 15 students, actual number of applicants /in the academic year 2021/2022/: 10, number of students in years I.: 7; II.: 5; III.: 5, IV.: 6; V.: 1. Total: 24
2. - Graduate profile and learning objectives
a) - The institution defines the learning objectives of the study programme such as student's abilities at the time of completion of the programme and the main learning outcomes.

The graduate possesses a systematic, coherent, and comprehensive body of knowledge in Reformed theology, theory, and practice, including broader theological, philosophical, church-historical, systematic, biblical, socio-cultural, historical-social, and theological-psychological contexts.

The graduate can argue for a complex professional and methodological knowledge in several areas of the field of study, especially philosophy, classical languages,pedagogy and psychology, catechetics confessional law, ecclesiastical law, biblical studies, systematic theology, pastoral and personnel counseling, social doctrine, pastoral theology, liturgical theology, church history, and ecclesiastical polity. Can assess the essential contexts, principles, and theories of a given field of study, Can establish various standards of elaboration of issues in particular areas of contemporary theological thought, as well as assess relevant procedures and methods for addressing theoretical and practical problems in theology. It can defend the chosen conceptual and categorical apparatus, can work independently and creatively with sources, interpret and analyze professional texts.

The graduate is able to propose, implement and evaluate solutions to problems related to theology in an interdisciplinary connection to andragogical, historical and social sciences. The graduate is able to evaluate and assess his/her analytical abilities and intellectual skills, which he/she can apply to identify and critically reflect on current problems and find possible solutions. The student will be able to formulate and implement recommendations, procedures and solutions to perplexing problems and to design and carry out ecclesial, missionary, pastoral, ethical and other projects to resolve them. Can independently carry out pastoral and missionary work with a variety of target groups. Can carry out catechesis in various areas of Christianity and teach religion and ethics in school and educational settings. The graduate is equipped to explain the Holy Scriptures in liturgical and extra-liturgical contexts.

b) - The institution indicates the professions for which the graduate is prepared at the time of completion and the potential of the study programme from the point of view of graduate's employability.

A graduate of the Reformed Theology program can find employment as a minister (chaplain) in a Reformed church. The primary place of employment for graduates is the Reformed Christian Church in Slovakia, but they may also find employment in other Reformed churches in Europe and around the world. There is also the possibility of employment as a teacher of religion and ethics in school and educational settings, especially in church settings.

c) - Relevant external stakeholders who have provided the statement or a favorable opinion on the compliance of the acquired qualification with the sector-specific requirements for the profession.

On behalf of the Synod, as the supreme body of the Reformed Christian Church in Slovakia, see the letter of the Most Reverend Mr. Bishop. Bishop: Mgr. Géresi Róbert.

3. - Employability
a) - Evaluation of the study programme graduates employability.

Information on the employability of graduates of UJS study programmes is monitored by the UJS Career Counselling Centre.

The survey conducted in 2021 was attended by 342 graduates, including 23 graduates of the study programme of Reformed Theology combined I and II degree.

The respondents of this degree programme received their diploma between 2004 and 2017.

78% are employed, 13% are unemployed, 4% are continuing their studies and 4% are voluntarily unemployed

74% of employed respondents have found a job in the field of their graduation, 4% of employed respondents are working in a related field and 7% of employed respondents have obtained a job in a completely different field.

43% of employed respondents work as a specialist in the field of Religious Studies and 4% of employed respondents belong to the occupational group "Teachers in Primary Schools".

b) - If applicable, indicate the successful graduates of the study programme.

ThDr. JUDr. Rákos Loránt, PhD., pastor, deputy bishop of the Reformed Christian Church in Slovakia.

ThDr. Szénási Szilárd, PhD, pastor, senior of the Komárno seniorate of the Reformed Christian Church in Slovakia.

Mgr. Czinke Zsolt, PhD., pastor, deputy elder of the Komárno Seniorate of the Reformed Christian Church in Slovakia.

Mgr. Dukon András, pastor, deputy senior of the Tekov seniorate of the Reformed Christian Church in Slovakia.

Mgr. Kendi Csaba, pastor, senior of Zemplín seniorate of the Reformed Christian Church in Slovakia.

Mgr. Blanár Erik, pastor, deputy senior of the Zemplín Seniorate of the Reformed Christian Church in Slovakia.

Mgr. Lévai Attila, PhD., pastor, vice-dean of RTF UJS.

ThDr. Szénási Lilla, PhD, pastor, vice-dean of RTF UJS.

Mgr. Pólya Katalin, PhD., pastor, assistant professor at RTF UJS.

doc. ThDr. Somogyi Alfréd, PhD. pastor, dean of RTF UJS.

c) - Evaluation of the study programme quality by employers (feedback).

On behalf of the Reformed Christian Church in Slovakia, a letter from the Most Reverend Mr. Deputy Bishop, ThDr. JUDr. Rákos Loránt, PhD.

On behalf of the Komárno Reformed Seniorate, a letter from the Most Reverend Mr. Senior, ThDr. Szénási Szilárd, PhD.

On behalf of the Bratislava Reformed Congregation, a letter from the presbytery of the Presbytery of the congregation.

4. - Structure and content of the study programme
a) - The institution describes the rules for the design of study plans within the study programme.

Štúdium študijného programu sa skladá z povinných predmetov, povinne voliteľných predmetov a výberových predmetov, ktoré zahrňajú všestranné teologické disciplíny.

Študijný program RTEdm22 je organickou súčasťou študijného odboru Teológia. Má poskytnúť teologické vzdelanie potrebné pre teológov v oblasti reformovanej teológie.

Konkrétny spôsob foriem výučby, jej kritérií a požadovaných cieľov je podrobnejšie rozpísaný pre každý predmet predloženého študijného programu, čo poskytuje aj informačný list predmetu.

Študent študijného programu si v rámci plnenia náležitostí študijného programu, resp. jeho kompletného absolvovania a získania potrebného minimálneho počtu kreditov vytvára vlastný študijný plán, v ktorom - v súlade Študijním poriadkom UJS - môže úspešne adsolvovať študijný program a získať akademický titul Mgr.

b) - The institution compiles the recommended study plans for individual study paths.

Once the Reformed Theology curriculum is aligned with the adjustment at the beginning of the next academic year, students of all years will enter the aligned SP and study according to the courses and rules after the adjustment - i.e. students of all years have the same path in their studies in this respect.

The curriculum is available in the UJS Academic Information System.

c) - The study plan generally states:

The student takes compulsory courses in each year. The compulsory subjects are subjects A:

1st year, winter semester: Biblical and Classical Languages 1, Bible 1, Introduction to Theology 1, Practical Theology 1.

1st year, summer semester: Biblical and Classical Languages 2, Bible 2, Introduction to Theology 2, Practical Theology 2.

2nd year, winter semester: Biblical and Classical Languages 3, Biblical Studies 3, Historical Studies 1, Practical Theology 3.

2nd year, summer semester: Biblical and Classical Languages 4, Biblical Studies 4, Historical Studies 2, Practical Theology 4.

3rd year, winter semester: Biblical Studies 5, Historical Studies 3, Practical Theology 5, Systematics 1.

3rd year, summer semester: Bible 6, Historical Sciences 4, Practical Theology 6, Systematics 2.

4th year, winter semester: Bible 7, Historical Studies 5, Practical Theology 7, Systematics 3.

4th year, summer semester: Bible 8, Historical Studies 6, Practical Theology 8, Systematics 4.

5th year, winter semester: Biblical Studies 9, Practical Theology 9, Systematics 5, Thesis Seminar.

5th year, summer semester: Bible 10, Practical Theology 10, Systematics 6, State Exam, Thesis with defense.

The student chooses courses from among the required electives, in each year. The compulsory electives are B courses:

1st year, winter semester: Seminar 1, Foreign Language 1. 

1st year, summer semester: Seminar 2, Foreign Language 2.

2nd year, winter semester: Seminar 3, Foreign Language 3.

2nd year, summer semester: Seminar 4, Foreign Language 4.

3rd year, winter semester: Seminar 5, Foreign Language 5.

3rd year, summer semester: Seminar 6, Foreign Language 6.

4th year, winter semester: Seminar 7, Foreign Language 7.

4th year, summer semester: Seminar 8, Foreign Language 8.

5th year, winter semester: Seminar 9, Foreign Language 9.

5th year, summer semester: Seminar 10.

The student chooses from electives in each year. Elective courses are C courses, and are not only offered in the RTEdm22 curriculum. In the RTEdm22 curriculum they are:

1st year, winter semester: Religious Ethnography 1.

1st year, summer semester: Religious Ethnography 2.

2nd year, winter semester: Introduction to Scientific Inquiry 1.

2nd year, summer semester: Introduction to Scientific Inquiry 2.

3rd year, winter semester: Greek Language Exercise 1.

3rd year, summer semester: Hebrew Language - Exercise 1.

4th year, winter semester: Greek Language - Exercise 2.

4th year, summer semester: Hebrew language - exercise 2.

5th year, winter semester: Hermeneutics 1.

5th year, summer semester: Hermeneutics 2.

Biblical Theology (theological disciplines: Exegesis of the Old Testament, Exegesis of the New Testament, Theology of the Old Testament, Theology of the New Testament), Practical Theology (theological disciplines: Liturgy, Homiletics), Historical Sciences (theological disciplines: Religious Studies, Philosophy, Church History), Systematics (theological disciplines: History of Dogma, Dogmatics, Ethics).

- In the programme of study, indicate the profile subjects of the respective pathway of study (specialisation),

The profile subjects are all compulsory subjects (A), i.e. Biblical and Classical Languages 1-4; Introduction to Theology 1-2; Biblical Theology 1-10; Practical Theology 1-10; Historical Studies 1-6; Systematics 1-6.

- For each learning strand/subject, define the learning outcomes and associated criteria and assessment rules so that all the learning objectives of the programme of study are met (these can only be listed in the Course Information Sheets under Learning Outcomes and under Course Requirements),

The information sheets of all educational units/subjects clearly describe the requirements for their completion as well as the learning outcomes (detailed characterisation of knowledge, skills and attitudes) that the graduate will acquire upon completion of the educational unit/subject.

- prerequisites, co-requisites and recommendations for the development of the curriculum,

The continuity of the individual profile subjects is logical and natural. There are no prerequisites in the classical sense, but the notation, numbering of the individual subjects is created in such a way that in the contents of the individual subjects the student progresses from the simple to the more complex.

The prerequisites for the subjects of the state examination are profile subjects and the completion of the compulsory educational parts/courses of the study programme.

- for each educational part of the curriculum/subject, determine the educational activities used (lecture, seminar, exercise, final thesis, project work, laboratory work, internship, field trip, field practicum, professional practice, state examination and others, or combinations thereof) suitable for achieving the learning outcomes,

The information sheets of all educational units/subjects clearly declare the educational activity by which RTF UJS ensures the achievement of the expected learning outcomes.

In most cases of educational units/subjects, the preferred educational activity is a lecture or a seminar, however, given the current epidemiological situation, we consider it necessary and natural to carry out these activities also in the form of online activities.

- Methods by which the educational activity is carried out - face-to-face, distance, combined (in accordance with the Course Information Sheets),

In the information sheets of all educational units/subjects, the methods of education are clearly declared as "face-to-face", with the possibility of an online form if this is justified for health and hygiene reasons.

- course syllabus/syllabus[1],

The syllabus in the information sheets of all educational parts/subjects, which are mostly implemented in the form of lectures or seminars.

- Student workload ("scope" for each subject and learning activity separately)[2],

In the preparation of the educational parts/subjects of the presented study programme, we have taken into account the workload of students, in accordance with the ECTS, depending on the credits allocated and the time scale in which the education will take place.

- Credits allocated to each part based on the learning outcomes achieved and the associated workload,

In the case of learning units/subjects with higher credits, where the hourly allocation of face-to-face teaching was not in line with the student's workload, learning tasks, assignments, outcomes are declared to be addressed by the student through guided self-study under the guidance of the teacher, and subsequent demonstration of knowledge or skills that have been predetermined in the formulation of the assignments.

- the person delivering the course (or a partner organisation and person[3]), with contact details,

Students on the RTEdm22 programme, regularly undertake lecturing outside the University. In such cases, they are evaluated by the pastors of the individual congregations of the Reformed Christian Church in Slovakia. Legacy services take place during major Christian holidays, and the evaluation is conducted and administered at the Reformed Christian Church in Slovakia. Contact details for individual parish offices:

- Subject teachers (or participating partner organisations and individuals) (may also be listed in IL subjects),

In the information sheets of the educational parts/subjects the responsible teachers are listed.

- Place of delivery of the course (if the programme of study is delivered at more than one site).


[1] Teachers providing the course during the assessment shall allow the working group access to the course materials and the content of the individual learning activities.

[2] It is recommended to indicate the workload related to both contact and non-contact teaching in accordance with the ECTS Users' Guide 2015.

[3] E.g. for the provision of work experience or other learning activities undertaken outside the University.

d) - The institution states the number of credits, the achievement of which is a condition for proper completion of studies and other requirements that the student must meet within the study programme and for its proper completion, including the requirements for state examinations, rules for re-study and rules for the extension, interruption of study.
A minimum of 300 credits is a prerequisite for the proper completion of studies.
e) - For individual study plans, the institution states the requirements for completing the individual parts of the study programme and the student's progress within the study programme in the given structure:

Number of credits for compulsory courses required for the proper completion of studies: 221.

221 Number of credits for compulsory elective courses required for regular completion of studies: 56

Number of credits for elective courses required for regular graduation: 8

Number of credits for the final thesis and the thesis defence required for regular graduation: 8

Number of credits for state examination courses: 7

f) - The institution describes the rules for verification of learning outcomes, students assessment and the possibilities of appealing against the assessment.

The rules, criteria and methods of assessment are transparent, communicated to teachers in advance, listed in the subject information sheets. The conditions for the completion of courses clearly declare the student's study and other obligations during the achievement of the learning objectives, the form of fulfilling the study obligations and the criteria for the evaluation of the sub-outcomes, products. Student assessment results are recorded, documented and archived. The rules and procedures of the assessment process are declared in the UJS Study Regulations,%20%C3%BA%C4%8Dinn%C3%BD%201.%209.%202022%20(1).pdf

During the course of the class, students receive feedback from the teacher and space to correct mistakes as well as guidance to eliminate them and achieve the set goal. Students have the opportunity to learn their own assessment on an ongoing formative basis in consultation with the teacher and summative through AIS.

Students have the opportunity to take advantage of tutor tutorials during each semester of study. Students have access to tutor consultations where examples of good practice show that students use tutor consultations to progress and achieve better results.

In the event of failure to meet the learning requirements, students have access to a minimum of one ordinary and two remedial terms, and have the option of sitting a board examination taken within three terms. The aforementioned regulations are declared in the UJS Study Regulations, as well as other procedures and rules related to credits, their accumulation and transfer. The administrative control of studies in the academic information system is carried out by the Study Department according to the procedures described in the UJS Study Regulations.

g) - Conditions for recognition of studies or a part of studies.

The UJS Study Regulations clearly describe the procedures and rules for the acquisition of credits, their accumulation and transfer, which is in line with the European Credit Transfer System. Similarly, the rules and procedures for the recognition of the completion of courses at another university are defined.

The UJS Study Regulations:,%20%C3%BA%C4%8Dinn%C3%BD%201.%209.%202022%20(1).pdf

h) - The institution states the topics of final theses of the study programme (or a link to the list).

The thesis topics are available in AIS.

i) - The institution describes or refers to:

The rules and procedures for assigning, processing, opposing, defending and evaluating final theses are declared and formulated in the Study Regulations of UJS.

- possibilities and procedures for participation in student mobility,

Study/research placement, which declares the support of both domestic and international student mobility. The UJS Study Regulations clearly describe the procedures and rules for the acquisition of credits, their accumulation and transfer, which is in line with the European Credit Transfer System. Similarly, the rules and procedures for the recognition of the completion of courses at another university are defined.

In order to increase the share of participants in Erasmus+ mobility, the Department for International Relations in cooperation with individual faculties of UJS regularly organises Erasmus+ information days and workshops, and offers the possibility of personal or online consultation. Promotional materials are distributed to UJS students and information is regularly published through the University's information tools.

The rules and procedures are formulated in the Rector's Directive No. 3/2014 on the organisation of Erasmus+ international mobility of students, teachers and staff at UJS, available from AIS UJS Documents/UJS-Legislation/Internal Acts of Management, 2018, Issue 10).

- Rules for observing academic ethics and drawing consequences,

The College applies rules and tools in the study programme to ensure research integrity and to prevent plagiarism and other academic fraud. According to the UJS Statute, plagiarism is considered an offence and is subject to disciplinary proceedings. The College identifies violations of research integrity, plagiarism and academic fraud and implements measures to ensure that violations of these rules are not incompatible with the award of an academic degree. The policies and procedures are described in:

   UJS RTF Statutes (2022), available at:

   The UJS Code of Ethics (available from AIS UJS Documents/UJS-Legislation/Internal Regulations, 2013, Issue 11); and

   Disciplinary Regulations for Students (available from AIS UJS Documents/UJS-Legislation/Internal Regulations).

- Procedures applicable to students with special needs,

In line with the current trend, the University systematically seeks out and reaches out to students with specific needs and records an observable increase in these students. Students with specific needs are eligible for support services according to their specific needs. The rules and procedures are described in the Rector's Directive No. 7/2016 on Students with Specific Needs and the Responsibilities of the UJS Coordinator for Students with Specific Needs, available from AIS UJS Documents/UJS-Legislation/Internal Acts of Governance, 2016, Issue 9).

We do not currently have a student with specific needs at RTF. In the past, we had a student, and according to his statement, he did not respect any discrimination, but in fulfilling the curriculum, he was completely equal and equal in everything. His letter is available on the college website: and

- Student grievance and appeal procedures.

According to the UJS Statute, a student becomes a member of the academic community by enrolling to study one of the study programmes carried out by UJS or its faculty. As a member of the academic community on the basis of the UJS Statute he/she has the right to address suggestions, comments and complaints to academic self-government bodies - the procedures and rules of which are defined in their legislative documents. Students of the study programme have effective mechanisms for reviewing complaints seeking protection of their rights or legally protected interests, which they believe have been violated, or pointing out specific deficiencies in the activities or inaction of the university. The examination of complaints shall be transparent and shall be carried out with the participation of student representatives. Feedback shall be provided to the complainants on the outcome of the review and on the action taken

5. - Course information sheets of the study programme
In the structure according to Decree no. 614/2002 Coll.

Information sheets are available in the AIS.

6. - Current academic year plan and current schedule
(or hyperlink).

Schedule for the academic year 2021/2022:

Schedule for the academic year 2022/2023:

The current timetable is available in AIS.

7. - Persons responsible for the study programme
a) - A person responsible for the delivery, development, and quality of the study programme (indicating the position and contact details).

Prof. KOVÁCS Ábrahám, PhD.

b) - List of persons responsible for the profile courses of the study programme with the assignment to the course and provided with a link to the central Register of university staff and with contact details (they may also be listed in the study plan).

Prof. ThDr. KARASSZON István, PhD.


Dr. habil. KÓKAI NAGY Viktor, PhD.

Mgr. LÉVAI Attila, PhD.

doc. ThDr. Somogyi Alfréd, PhD.

c) - Reference to the research/art/teacher profiles of persons responsible for the profile courses of the study programme.

Prof. ThDr. KARASSZON István, PhD.: VUPCH je k dispozícici va AIS-e:

Dr. habil. KÓKAI NAGY Viktor, PhD.: VUPCH je k dispozícici va AIS-e:

Mgr. LÉVAI Attila, PhD.: VUPCH je k dispozícici va AIS-e:

doc. ThDr. Somogyi Alfréd, PhD.: VUPCH je k dispozícici va AIS-e:

d) - List of teachers of the study programme with the assignment to the course and provided with a link to the central Register of university staff and with contact details (may be a part of the study plan).

Prof. Kovács Ábrahám, PhD.:,

   Historical Sciences 3

   Systematic Theology 1

   Historical Sciences 4

   Systematic Theology 2

   Historical Sciences 5

   Systematic Theology 3

   Historical Sciences 6

   Systematic Theology 4

   Thesis Seminar

   Systematic Theology 5

   Systematic Theology 6

   Seminar 7

Prof. ThDr. Karasszon István, PhD:,

   Biblikum 1

   Biblical and Classical Languages 1

   Biblikum 2

   Biblical and Classical Languages 2

   Bible 3

   Biblical and Classical Languages 3

   Bible 4

   Biblical and Classical Languages 4

   Bible 5

   Bible 6

   Bible 7

   Bible 8

   Bible 9

   Thesis seminar

   Biblikum 10

   Seminar 1

   Seminar 2

   Hebrew Language Exercise 1

   Hebrew language exercise 2

Dr. habil. Kókai Nagy Viktor, PhD.:,

   Biblikum 1

   Biblical and Classical Languages 1

   Biblikum 2

   Biblical and Classical Languages 2

   Bible 3

   Biblical and Classical Languages 3

   Bible 4

   Biblical and Classical Languages 4

   Bible 5

   Bible 6

   Bible 7

   Bible 8

   Bible 9

   Thesis seminar

   Biblikum 10

   Seminar 1

   Seminar 2

   Greek language exercises 1

   Greek language exercise 2

Mgr. Lévai Attila, PhD.:,

   Historical Sciences 1

   Historical Sciences 2

   Historical Sciences 3

   Historical Sciences 4

   Historical Sciences 5

   Thesis Seminar

   Seminar 3

   Seminar 4

   Seminar 5

   Religious Ethnography 1

   Religious Ethnography 2

Assoc. ThDr. Somogyi Alfréd, PhD.:,

   Practical Theology 1

   Practical Theology 2

   Practical Theology 3

   Practical Theology 4

   Historical Sciences 3

   Historical Sciences 5

   Historical Sciences 6

   Practical Theology 9

   Thesis Seminar

   Practical Theology 10

Prof. Pásztori Kupán István, PhD:,

   Historical Sciences 1

   Historical Sciences 2

   Historical Sciences 3

   Systematic Theology 1

   Historical Sciences 4

   Systematic Theology 2

   Thesis Seminar

   Foreign Language 1

   Foreign Language 2

   Foreign Language 3

   Foreign Language 4

   Seminar 5

   Foreign Language 5

   Foreign language 6

   Foreign language 7

   Foreign language 8

   Foreign language 9

   Greek Language Practice 1

   Greek language exercise 2

Ing. Kis Jolán, PhD.:,

   Biblikum 1

   Bible 2

   Biblikum 3

   Biblikum 4

   Biblikum 5

   Biblikum 6

   Biblikum 7

   Thesis seminar

   Seminar 1

   Seminar 2

   Seminar 6

Mgr. Görözdi Zsolt, Th.D.:,

   Introduction to Theology 1

   Introduction to Theology 2

   Practical Theology 3

   Practical Theology 4

   Practical Theology 5

   Practical Theology 6

   Practical Theology 7

   Practical Theology 8

   Practical Theology 9

   Thesis Seminar

   Practical Theology 10

   Seminar 9

   Seminar 10

   Hermeneutics 1

   Hermeneutics 2

Mgr. Pólya Katarína, PhD.:,

   Introduction to Theology 1

   Introduction to Theology 2

   Systematic Theology 2

   Systematic Theology 3

   Systematic Theology 4

   Thesis Seminar

   Foreign Language 1

   Foreign Language 2

   Foreign Language 3

   Foreign Language 4

   Foreign language 5

   Foreign language 6

   Foreign language 7

   Foreign language 8

   Seminar 8

   Foreign Language 9

   Hebrew Language Practice 1

   Hebrew language exercise 2

Mgr. Tömösközi František, PhD.:,

   Historical Sciences 1

   Historical Sciences 2

   Thesis Seminar

   Seminar 3

   Seminar 4

   Seminar 5

   Introduction to Scientific Research 1

   Introduction to scientific research 2

Mgr. Süll Kinga, PhD.:,

   Practical Theology 1

   Practical Theology 2

   Practical Theology 3

   Practical Theology 4

   Practical Theology 5

   Practical Theology 6

   Thesis Seminar

e) - List of the supervisors of final theses with the assignment to topics (indicating the contact details).

Current theses and thesis supervisors are registered in the Academic Information System.

f) - Reference to the research/art/teacher profiles of the supervisors of final theses.

VUPCH thesis supervisors are available in AIS.

g) - Student representatives representing the interests of students of the study programme (name and contact details).

Somogyi Máté, senior, president of the student government at RTF UJS. Contact:

Feke Levente, vice-president of the student government at RTF UJS. Contact:

Noszkai Ágnes, secretary of the student government at RTF UJS. Contact:

Vajkai Éva, member of the student government at RTF UJS. Contact:

Deák Richard, member of the student government at RTF UJS. Contact:

h) - Study advisor of the study programme (indicating contact details and information on the access to counseling and on the schedule of consultations).

Mgr. Géresi Róbert, Bishop of the Reformed Christian Church in Slovakia,

With the Bishop of the Reformed Christian Church in Slovakia we discussed the different stages of the harmonisation process. In the process itself, we discussed the concrete proposals for new subjects and their content. Consultations were held as needed, totaling approximately 18-20 hours.

i) - Other supporting staff of the study programme – assigned study officer, career counselor, administration, accommodation department, etc. (with contact details).

Study officer: Ing. Ilona Győrfy,

Career Counsellor. Norbert Istvánik,

Accommodation Officer: Mgr. Attila Duba,

Chief Librarian of the Theological Professional Library of the J. Calvin Institute of Theology: Mgr. Czinke Zsolt, PhD:

8. - Spatial, material, and technical provision of the study programme and support
a) - List and characteristics of the study programme classrooms and their technical equipment with the assignment to learning outcomes and courses (laboratories, design and art studios, studios, workshops, interpreting booths, clinics, priest seminaries, science and technology parks, technology incubators, school enterprises, practice centers, training schools, classroom-training facilities, sports halls, swimming pools, sports grounds).

The lecture rooms in the Officers' Pavilion were named after prominent 20th century figures in our church. All departments, offices and lecture rooms are described. Room descriptions are available at:

Sörös Béla terem room (E8) - description is available at:

Room Patay Károly terem (E10) - description available at:

Galambos Zoltán terem room (E12) - description available at:

Room Pálóczi Czinke István terem (E14) - description available at:

Room 14A - description available at:

Software provision of computer classrooms or computers available for UJS students

Computers in classrooms:

§ Faculty of Education, number 59

- Operating system: Windows 7 Professional

- Software: Microsoft Office 2013, Matlab,

- GeoGebra, Gimp, Blender, 

§ Conference Center, KINFO, number 29pcs

- Operating system: Windows 10 Edu

- Software: Microsoft Office 2016, Matlab,

- GeoGebra, Gimp, Blender, Lazarus, Eclipse, JDK, Imagine, Dev-C++, Easy PHP

§ Faculty of Economics and Informatics, 33 pcs

- Operating system: Windows 10 Edu

- Software: Microsoft Office 2016, Matlab,

- GeoGebra, Gimp, Blender

§ Officers' Pavilion, number 90 pcs

- Operating system: Windows 10 Edu

- Software: Microsoft Office 2016, Matlab,

- GeoGebra, Gimp, Blender, Lazarus, Eclipse, JDK, Imagine, Dev-C++, Easy PHP  

Number of computers in the library: 29pcs

- HP All in One Computers

- Operating System: Windows 8 Professional

- Software: Microsoft Office 2013

Presentation technology

In each lecture room in the Conference Centre (Hradná 2, KN)

- Projector and sound equipment - 3 pcs in total

- HP 6000 computers connected to the presentation equipment - 3 pcs in total

- Operating system: Windows 7 Professional

- Software: Microsoft Office 2013

In each seminar room in all buildings where classes are held there is a built-in projector with the possibility of connecting to a computer via a VGA port.

Portable computers

Laptops for loan to students - 120 units

- Operating system: Windows 7 Professional

- Software: Microsoft Office 2013

Laptops for teaching and administrative staff - 130 computers

- Operating system: Windows 7 Professional, Windows 10 Professional


b) - Characteristics of the study programme information management (access to study literature according to Course information sheets, access to information databases and other information sources, information technologies, etc.).

The library provides access to the study literature for the study programme, at least in the scope of the compulsory literature listed in the course information sheets. At present, UJS holds more than 2700 titles related to theology, the submitted study programme and related to the discipline. The university library uses the DAWINCI library information system, which is a modern library and information system integrating the latest elements from the field of server applications, database systems, document management and, in conjunction with the knowledge and experience of libraries, translates them into a comprehensive multimedia library and information system. The system provides users with access to individual library collections through the OPAC on-line catalogue via the website. The UJS University Library, similarly to other university libraries, is included in the central register of publication activity registration for the needs of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Slovak Republic. Access of students and lecturers to the necessary databases is also solved by remote access via CVTI SR. Access to foreign scientific journals available in the online databases of individual publishers is also provided through this access. The University Library organises workshops that support orientation in publishing databases and work with literary sources.

In the implementation of the RTEdm22 study programme, the Theological Professional Library of the Theological Institute of J. Calvin (TIJC) in Komárno is available for both teachers and students. TIJC is a scientific institution of the Reformed Christian Church in Slovakia. The library holds more than 35,000 titles of theological professional literature, mainly in Hungarian, Slovak, Czech, German and English. In addition, more than 170 professional periodicals are available in the library. A description of the library is available on the TJCA website:

c) - Characteristics and extent of distance education applied in the study programme with the assignment to courses. Access, manuals of e-learning portals. Procedures for the transition from contact teaching to distance learning.

For the needs of distance education or combined education, the university has 4 servers with BigBlueButton videoconferencing system in operation. An alternative tool for distance learning is the MS Teams platform, as part of the Office 365 A1 for faculty package, which is available to all teachers and students. Back in 2015, an e-learning system based on the open-source LMS Moodle was created and put into operation at UJS. This system was partially integrated with the WeBWorK system in 2017. This comprehensive system was also operated in 2019. Moodle continues to offer the possibility of publishing study and support materials for individual subjects, the possibility of assigning homework and electronic testing of knowledge in an authorised zone. In addition, WeBWorK gives the possibility of automated generation, submission and evaluation of mathematical assignments. In addition to the wired connectivity available in the ND, UK and other selected locations, students in all UJS buildings have access to the Internet via a WiFi network. A person's authentication (login and password) is required to connect to the network. A central printing system was introduced in 2016 and is also available to students. Students are able to add credit to their accounts in the UJS cashier's office.

For distance learning, so far our students and teachers have made excellent use of the online platforms. BigBlueButton, Teams, Letsmeet, Zoom, Google Classroom, Redmenta, etc. have been used in the educational process.

d) - Institution partners in providing educational activities for the study programme and the characteristics of their participation.

In terms of providing educational activities in the study programme, our main partner is the Reformed Christian Church in Slovakia. The cooperation with the church takes place in the spirit of §39. of the Act on Higher Education No. 131/2002 Coll. A description of the Reformed Christian Church in Slovakia is available on the official website of the church:

Another partner of our faculty is the Theological Institute of J. Calvin (TIJC). TIJC is a scientific institute of the Reformed Christian Church in Slovakia. TIJC provides us with the ecclesiastical and professional background for our activities. In addition to being a permanent partner in the organization of scientific and professional conferences, it provides convocation lectures, i.e. experts for our students on a personal basis. A description of the TIJC is available on the TIJC website: www

e) - Characteristics of the possibilities for social, sports, cultural, spiritual and social activities.

In the course of their studies, UJS also provides its students with a stimulating environment. UJS effectively manages and operates the UJS Student Homes, where it provides comfortable accommodation for the University's students, with suitable conditions for quality living with adequate hygiene standards and safety. The UJS campus includes a multifunctional playground enabling students to spend their leisure time and play sports in a meaningful way.

UJS also provides students with catering in the building of the UJS Conference Centre. In the Sports Centre of the University, students have the opportunity to play sports and implement other leisure activities.

The University also aims to provide opportunities for cultural, social and spiritual activities. Young talents find their application in the Cantus Iuventus choir. Students have the opportunity to attend the chapel set up in the Čajka School.

Especially for the students of the Reformed Theological Faculty, a church background is provided in the Reformed Christian Church in Slovakia - in the Komárno church choir. Students of the RTEdm22 program - outside of the curriculum - serve weekly in worship at the Reformed Church in Komárno. The student government organizes weekly Bible classes at which students serve. Theological oversight is provided by the faculty's spiritual director.

f) - Possibilities and conditions for participation of the study programme students in mobilities and internships (indicating contact details), application instructions, rules for recognition of this education.

UJS offers its students foreign study mobility within the Erasmus+, Makovecz, CEEPUS and various internship programmes offered by the Balassi Institution (Mobility Grants of the Ministry of Human Resources of the Republic of Slovenia).

Currently, UJS has 118 concluded bilateral agreements, memoranda and inter-institutional agreements with 63 partner institutions in 15 European countries as well as inter-institutional agreements in partner countries outside the EU within the KA107 activity.

The Department for International Relations in cooperation with UJS faculties regularly organises Erasmus+ information days and workshops, and offers the possibility of personal or online consultation. Promotional materials, leaflets and brochures are distributed to UJS students. At the same time, the UJS Department for International Relations regularly publishes information about its activities on the Erasmus+ UJS website and mass mails information to UJS students, teachers and staff via the University's information tools. Linguistic support for students is provided through the Erasmus+ On-line Linguistic Support (OLS) tool.

Partner institutions


Student mobility for the purpose of study:

Student mobility for the purpose of traineeship:

Instructions for students on how to apply:

Coordinators' contacts:

Makovecz Programme

Other mobility programmes

9. - Required abilities and admission requirements for the study programme applicants
a) - Required abilities and necessary admission requirements.

The basic prerequisite for admission to the study programme is a high school diploma.

The admission requirements are available on the faculty's website:

b) - Admission procedures.
  1. The candidate fills in the form, electronic application on the UJS website.
  2. The candidate sends the completed form and necessary attachments electronically.
  3. Candidate sends the completed application form, with handwritten signature, in hard copy by post to the address of the Study Department.
  4. The applicant will receive a response, i.e. feedback, from the School of Studies and will receive all relevant information about the admission procedure, including the date of the entrance examination and interview.
  5. The applicant will appear in person for the entrance examination, which consists of two parts: a written test and a motivational interview. The written test focuses on the applicant's general education and knowledge. The test proposes 4 answers to the questions, and in each case only one of them is good. The questions are on history, literature, art, contemporary church life, and knowledge of the Bible. The candidate writes an essay on one of two topics: 'why I want to study theology' or 'how I see our Reformed church today'. There is also a section in the written test to map the candidate's knowledge of a foreign language: English and/or German. The candidate has 120 minutes for the written test.
  6. The written test is evaluated, and the candidate's score and pass percentage are determined.
  7. An oral motivational interview will map out the applicant's church background, knowledge of church singing, and the applicant's expectations for the study of theology.
  8. A dean-appointed, minimum three-member admissions committee evaluates the applicant on a point system. The scores obtained by the applicant in the written and oral parts of the admissions process are added together, and the admissions committee will present the rankings to the Dean of the Faculty.
  9. The Dean of the Faculty decides on admission to the study on the basis of the recommendation of the Admissions Committee in accordance with the conditions laid down for admission.
c) - Results of the admission process over the last period.

Academic year: 2021/2022

Number of all applicants: 10

Number of applicants who have appeared for the admission procedure: 10

Number of students admitted: 8

Number of students enrolled: 7

Academic year: 2020/2021

Number of all applicants: 7

Number of applicants present at the admission procedure: 7

Number of students admitted: 5

Number of students enrolled: 5

Academic year: 2019/2020

Number of all applicants: 13

Number of applicants who appeared for the admission procedure: 13

Number of students admitted: 12

Number of students enrolled: 11

Academic year: 2018/2019

Number of all applicants: 11

Number of applicants who appeared for the admission procedure: 11

Number of students admitted: 11

Number of students enrolled: 10

Academic year: 2017/2018

Number of all applicants: 9

Number of applicants who appeared for the admission procedure: 9

Number of students admitted: 9

Number of students enrolled: 8

Academic year: 2016/2017

Number of all applicants: 11

Number of applicants who appeared for the admission procedure: 10

Number of students admitted: 10

Number of students enrolled: 10

10. - Feedback on the quality of provided education
a) - Procedures for monitoring and evaluating students' opinions on the study programme quality.

Students were given the opportunity to express their views and comments in the designated text box of the questionnaire in the AIS. The questionnaire was made available to the students from 01.02.2021 to 30.04.2021 and from 01.05.2021 to 15.07.2021. It was only possible to fill it in during the defined period. The students entered the system and presented their views and insights under their identification number. This ensured that each student could complete the survey only once, while the module implemented in AIS2 guaranteed the anonymity of the respondents. Only the questionnaire intended for the respondent was made available to the respondent. On average, students evaluated 21 teachers and expressed their opinion about 70 subjects. This average is the average of the last 3 surveys. The questionnaire in electronic form is primarily used to speed up the subsequent processing of the data collected. The obtained data and the overall evaluation of the results were processed by the dean's office of the RTF UJS and subsequently reported to the individual departments. The conclusions of the evaluation were reflected in the teaching at RTF UJS for the following period.

b) - Results of student feedback and related measures to improve the study programme quality.

The developed questionnaire consisted of three parts: part I - general part (1 question) part II - evaluation of the teaching process and subjects (2 questions for each enrolled subject) part III - general part - comments and suggestions.

The questions in the first part served to find out the general opinion of students about RTF UJS. The level of teaching at RTF UJS was found out (What is your opinion about the level of teaching at RTF UJS?)

Students' responses to the question on the level of teaching at RTF UJS show that students are generally satisfied with the level of teaching at RTF UJS.

c) - Results of graduate feedback and related measures to improve the study programme quality.

As a feedback, we also asked the main employer of our graduates, i.e. the Reformed Christian Church in Slovakia, to express their opinion about our graduates at the church-wide, eldership and congregational levels. The individual constituent bodies of the employer, i.e. the organizational structural units of the Reformed Christian Church in Slovakia, provided positive references about our graduates. They are satisfied with the work of our graduates, their professionalism, skills and abilities for the job. The feedback mentioned above is available on the RTF UJS website:


11. - References to other relevant internal regulations and information concerning the study or the study programme student
(e.g study guide, accommodation regulations, fee directive, guidelines for student loans, etc.).

UJS Scholarship Regulations, Supplement No. 1 to the UJS Scholarship Regulations, Supplement No. 2 to the UJS Scholarship Regulations

AIS - UJS - Legislation - Internal Regulations: 2018-2, 2018-9, 2020-6

Directive No. 5/2013 on Student Scientific Professional Activity of UJS, Supplement No. 1 to the Directive on Student Scientific Professional Activity of UJS,%20vr%C3%A1t.%20dodatku%20%C4%8D.%201.pdf

AIS - UJS - Legislation - Internal Acts of Governance: 2021-5, 2021-4

Directive of the Rector of UJS No. 10/2010 on the principles of lending laptops to students (as amended by Appendix No. 1)

AIS - UJS - Legislation - Internal acts of management: 2011-7

Rector's Directive No. 1/2021 Tuition fees and fees associated with studies at J. Selye University for the academic year 2021/2022

AIS - UJS - Legislation - Internal acts of management: 2021-6

Directive No. 9/2020 issuing the House and Accommodation Regulations of the UJS School of Education, Directive No. 11/2020 issuing Supplement No. 1 to the House and Accommodation Regulations of the UJS School of Education

AIS - UJS - Legislation - Internal Acts of Governance: 2020-29, 2020-43

Matriculation and Graduation Regulations of UJS

AIS - UJS - Legislation - Internal regulations: 2015-5

Directive No. 8/2016 On the issuance of documents of graduation at UJS,

AIS - UJS - Legislation - Internal Management Acts: 2016-10

Rector's Directive No. 1/2014 Library and Lending Regulations of the UJS University Library, Supplement No. 1 to Rector's Directive No. 1/2014 Library and Lending Regulations of the UJS University Library, Supplement No. 2 to Rector's Directive No. 1/2014 Library and Lending Regulations of the UJS University Library

AIS - UJS - Legislation - Internal acts of management: 2014-2, 2016-18, 2016-24

Statute of the Student Government,

AIS - UJS - Legislation - Internal Acts of Governance: 2010-8

Rector's Directive No. 3/2014 on the organisation of foreign mobility of students, teachers and staff within the Erasmus+ programme at UJS - Full text

AIS - UJS - Legislation - Internal acts of management: 2021-16

Directive No. 7/2016 on students with specific needs and on the competence of the UJS coordinator for students with specific needs

AIS - UJS - Legislation - Internal Acts of Governance: 2016-9

Directive No. 6/2016 on free access to information

AIS - UJS - Legislation - Internal Acts of Governance: 2016-8